JW vs Christianity Debate

by zound 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zound

    Haven't watched it all yet, but thought some may be interested.


  • zound

    Actually just looking at info on the guy - he was a JW and now has some splinter group "christian Jehovah Witnesses" or something - don't bother with the video - probably nuttier than a regular JW.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    James White is a tough guy to out-debate. He could probably lose a written debate, but he has a near-photographic memory of the scriptures and can quote them extensively without once looking at a note. Substance-wise, he's more flash than anything. If you're facing someone who's convinced that the Bible is the complete, inerrent word of God and that all other sources are superfluous, you can just keep getting shouted down.

    In debates, you have to form some basis of agreement before you can find a basis to disagree. In debates with atheists, it does little good to quote scripture.

    Beating up JWs doctrinally, theologically or from an eschatological standpoint isn't very tough. Almost anyone who knows anything about the Society, history and the scriptures can make mincemeat out of them. (It's like beating up Shirley Temple, but more satisfying.) And Bethel brings much of it on their own heads by their secular snobbery, sense of injustice and blatant ignorance. The fact that it discourages higher education also keeps the membership nice and dumbed down.

  • steve2

    James Whites is the latest example in a long, long line up of those whose motto is "He Who Wins Arguments Has the Best Memory".

    Of course, this has sh*t all to do with clear and logical thinking.

  • mP

    Millions of mulsims can remember every word of the Koran, i guess that makes them right.

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