Expectation postponed is making the heart sick. -Prov.13: 12
(Text for 4/20/02 wt 9/1/00 19,20a)
Certainly, if a person is entertaining unfounded expectations, the heart can be sickened by disappointment. However, waiting for happy events can fill us with anticipatory joy long before the day of fulfillment. That joy is intensified if we use the time wisely, making preparations for the coming event. When we have complete confidence that our expectations will be fulfilled – even if we do not know when they will be fulfilled – the waiting period does not have to ‘make the heart sick.’ God’s faithful worshippers know that Christ’s Millennial Reign is imminent. They are confident that they will see the end of death and disease. (Rev.21: 3,4) In these times of ecological crisis, they relish the certain prospect of seeing Paradise established on earth. (Isa. 35:1,2,7) How wise, then, to use the waiting time judiciously, “always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord “!
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