Now it's the Annual Meeting!

by stillin 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin

    As if circuit assemblies, district conventions, meetings, watchtower studies, special assembly days and bible studies weren't enough, now it's this! Aaa argh!

  • LostGeneration

    Ha! Hadn't thought of that, just another day the GB decides to take away from you.

    Get out now, unless you want to waste your weekends forever!

  • tootired2care

    Do you still go to meetings? If so man I feel ya, what a huge burden it all is. I remember several years back we had district convention, circuit or SAD(I forget which) and CO visit all in one month. I seriously contemplated shooting myself near the end of all that. It sure is wonderful to not have to endure any of that anymore, I highly recommend leaving if you can.

  • stillin

    I liked it better when only the special people, pioneers, elders etc were invited to the annual meeting. I heard this morning that it will be 3 1/2 hours long, then we have to get out of the KH so that the next batch can come in and watch the video.

    my wife is really excited about going. I really don't get it. No wonder so many are overweight! They're doing all of their exercise with their minds!

    what a grand privilege!

  • Bob_NC

    I remember the first time we had a Special Assembly Day. One of the annual Circuit Assemblies had been discontinued and the SAD took its place. Anyway, we all went to the same location as the CA had been. not knowing what this special day was about. Our cong went thinking it would be maybe a 2-hour meeting. There had been absolutely no information about it except for start time. We had no idea this thing would go on for hours and hours. Oh no! 5 hours as I recall. We were starving and when we left. The last 3 hours of the program were lost on everyone.

  • TheListener

    Is the annual meeting going to be piped to the kingdom halls or do they dubs have to travel to an assembly hall?


    Every WBT$ JW Meeting..

    Is the Same as the Last WBT$ JW Meeting..

    1,000`s of WBT$ Spiritual Food Left Overs..

    Served in the Same..

    WBT$ Dirty Dish

    ......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • BluePill2

    I love you Outlaw! You know that, don't you?

    Sometimes I open a thread and scroll down to search for your "branding". This here made me laugh. Keep your good humour my friend.

  • stillin

    Listener, I think both. If there's a hall with video nearby, they'll have several grounds go there.

  • konceptual99

    Here's a solution...

    Move to the UK and just so long as you are not an elder, married to an elder, the minor child of an elder, a pioneer or baptised more than 30 years then you are not worthy anyway.

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