Un-covering is what the word really means in greek. I no longer long think of the Apocalypse as the death of six billion people but the uncovering of the truth about what is really going on. So in a metaphoric sence I have been through it already.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Apocalypse
by 5go 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Julia Orwell
Good point. Knowing Armageddon isn't gonna come and god isn't gonna hold us responsible for those people we knew but didn't witness to dying is a revelation worth having.
Knowing Armageddon isn't gonna come
Yes, and such an understanding also implies that one would have to flush the bible down the toilet, and have a completely different philosophy than that book teaches.
Or unveiling.
I have come to the same conclusion.
Armageddon is "Good News" for all except the Pharisees.
It will finally allow us to tell the arsenic from the honey.
The WBTS hierarchy rightly fear the big A, but err greatly in projecting their fear onto the R&F.
'Apocalypse' sounds much scarier than 'Revelation'. I'd prefer to have a Revelation any day. A lot is known about this genre of writing, and the circumstances the Christians of the 1st century found themselves in, but the appeal is timeless- as horses, scrolls, swords & trumpets can be anything you want them to be. ...and the fact that it was all just wishful thinking doesn't deter believers at all.
""concealing the knowledge", which combined with the Homeric epithet δολ?εσσα, meaning subtle or wily, justifies the hermetic character of Calypso and her island."
The wife is in a steel drum band that plays arrangements of Trinidadian Calypso music (which function in Tucson as rain dances for senior citizens who want to relive their Caribbean cruise). She said that at least colloquially, calypso music is characterized by hidden meaning, innuendo, suggestiveness. It was doing this in the 40's and 50's, which sort of justifies the distinctive term in a specific context, and it certainly would not have a monopoly on suggestive lyrics by today's standards. -
Ah ! that wonderful revealing moment, when the curtain is pulled aside and you realise that it is all nonsense !
To realise that there is no Big A, that the Bible is over 90% fiction, and that if there is a sky-daddy (or mommy) "is" makes up the sum total of that entitiy, is to find a wonderful freedom, and, strangely, I thought at first, a wonderful peace.
I now find that it makes sense, to see the World, People and the Universe as they really are, to understand that both History and the Future have no pattern, is to be free of all influence that makes comprehending reality impossible.
The Real world is not perfect, but it is full of wonderful people, wonderful ideas, wonderful opportunities, and full of real hope.