second study article July 15th 2013

by inbetween 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • inbetween

    Last weekend congos around the world studied the second artcile of the famous wt 15th July.

    It dealt with the prohecy in Matthew 13 about the weeds and the wheat.

    While they claim, that the gathering in the storehouse took place after 1914, the gathering to the kingdom of heaven will be right before Armageddon. What they did not mention, was when the resurrection of already dead anointed will happen. Why some of them shine brightly in the kingdom, while others are still on earth ?

    maybe they move the resurrection of the anointed also to the same time just before Armageddon. This would be another step away from the importance of 1914,

    As discussed next week, the appointed over the belongings will also be moved towards the future. it seems important events are moved away from 1914. Maybe a step to get rid of it ? It gets more and more riducolous to claim , the kingdom is ruling since 1914, maybe they prepare the way to teach, that the rule of the kingdom is after the anointed are taken to heaven and therefore a future event ? Thats would spare them the argument about 586/607 dilemma.

    Something is up, before 1914 becomes a date far away like 1799 was once...

    oh and the last days, they are always convinient, because something bad is always going on in this world, we dont need the 2520 calculation, hardly anybody cares about or even understands...

  • pronomono

    Ah. The weeds and the wheat. The JW excuse that says there were alway anointed, we just don't know who they were because of the wheat.

  • alanv

    As time keeps ticking by more and more the society are distancing themselves from 1914. They have written less and less about it over the years.

    Totally agree most JWs have no idea how you get to 1914 from 607 BCE. Very soon I am sure it will gradually be forgotton. At one time that would have been unthinkable but I believe soon they will have no choice. I hope I will be around to se it happen in my lifetime.

  • blondie

    The article mentioned a study article in two thousand and ten (sorry problem with keyboard and numbers). That's where the new light first appeared.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    2010 - Looks good!

  • prologos

    It appears that even Jesus (as he admitted) or the writers ABOUT him, never dreamed the growing season would stretch into our lifetime.

    The parable would then have a feature that deals with the overlapping generations of the vegetation.

    Why would they want to publicize ThEIR confusion, vascillation on the subject?

    It can only get worse as time goes on, and on.

  • Legacy


    The only thing the witnesses are interested in is that..THEY WILL BE SAVED, & EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE DESTROYED,SEPARATION. That's what they get off on, THE DESTRUCTION PART. They could care less about the dividing of the wheat & weeds or goats & sheep. They look forward to that good news more than any other good news, which really shows who they really are. They want others to be destroyed, they want to be right, after all they are God's mouth piece. God sure does change his mind alot..or is it man ?

    I go to the hall, & it's like pulling teeth for the comments, folds are so stunned they can't even comment, so they sit there supressed. Oh, a few try to digest it & comment to show they are accepting it & why don't the rest of you get it...Ever been to a business meeting & it's about something nobody understands or care about, but in the meeting, everyone comments oh how wonderful & informative the meeting was, so glad they attended, nice that the meeting was held to understand something better..when they go home, they go...WHAT THE HECK ? Same thing goes on in the Hall, folks sit there because they don't want to look like they really don't believe it, but bet you, they go home & say, WHAT THE HECK, I THOUGHT.......I know I do, but I do that all the time. I just sit there & look like I'm drinking the kool-aide, but when I get home, I just shake my head & say...Man, Man, Man...we always want to know what God isn't ready to tell us yet. So, we are supposed to serve God because of Dates...NOT..none of us would be ready anyway, just like most of us do our studies at the last minute, so would we get our lives together if we knew when the day was...Now we are going to find out...AGAIN, who the FDS class is? I'm telling you all it's The Wizard of Oz theory...THE OLD MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN...

    Be Well,


  • RagingBull

    Wheat - Annointed (144,000)

    Weed - the Wicked (left out - The GREAT CROWD. maybe they're the dirt) LOL

  • Laika

    My Dad visited me recently and gave me the July 15th study watchtower in the hope it would encourage me to go back.

    Of all the magazines... Bizarre.

  • Crazyguy

    Notice to they don't speak of the 4 angels holding back the destruction so the 144k can be sealed, the verse makes it sound imminent and they must wait a bit to seal and save these ones. But the JW religion says that this is taking 2000 years to happen and most of the sealed ones have long since died anyway. Does that make sence at all???


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