There have been many speculations regarding the upcoming Annual Meeting. Among them, that the Society will rid themselves of 1914 and the literal interpretation of 144,000. Several have commented on why this doesn't make sense or is unnecessary, and I agree with their positions. There is no reason to get rid of is a tie that binds the modern to the past. The organization cannot be "unique" without at least some vestige of "miraculous interpretation ability." As for the 144,000, no worries there, the organization has discounted 2,000 years of Christian history with this "wheat and weeds" explanation. "Oversown" vs. "overgrown"....(I hope you all caught that in the article).
Here are two of my assumptions, please add your own:
1) The Jehu and Jehonadab classes (1 Kings 10:15)
The organization loves its history, particularly its "worship" of JF Rutherford, considered at Bethel to be the most prolific and blessed (contrary to what you might have heard of Freddy). One of the highlights of Rutherford theology, the Jehu and Jehonadab connection. The relationship was based on an oath, "Is your heart upright with me, just as my own heart is with your heart?" Another translation interprets this "are you a faithful friend to me?" This concept of faithfulness to the Jehu class, the FDS, will be promoted to its ultimate outcome, a type of loyalty oath to the current administration.
2) The 144,000 have been selected ONLY from the modern day organization (with maybe a couple thousand exceptions).
The current administration, like none before it, is extremely egocentric, as demonstrated in the new FDS articles. Based on the wheat and weeds parable, there is NO way to know who were true Christians after first century. In fact, the argument might be made that from the death of Paul to the death of John, the man of lawlessness and the apostasy had all but obliterated the Christian congregation. So, I would expect this point to be emphasized to further solidify the "unique" nature of the Society's administration.
Just some thoughts