More discoveries about Yahweh's Wife - Why won't he acknowledge her?

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  • fulltimestudent


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    Archaeologists discover: God's wife?

    Israel is touted as the birthplace of monotheism, but mounting evidence suggests that the Israelites, and later the Judahites - like their neighbors - worshiped a pantheon.

    By Julia Fridman | Sep. 15, 2013 | 7:25 PM |

    “You shall not plant any tree as an Asherah beside the altar of the Lord your God that you shall make.” Deuteronomy 16:21.

    The Old Testament is rife with the admonishment of errant kings and queens worshiping ‘false gods’, with the much of the blame falling on the Kingdom of Israel and that of Ahab and his infamous queen Jezebel.

    In recent years there have been a significant number of discoveries of cult stands and shrine caches throughout Israel. They were found either buried in favissae (underground cellars) or buried in caches, such as at Hazevah and Yavneh, or found in various other settings, like at Tel Rehov’s honey production site and at Tel Halif’s industrial textile area. The most recent findings were at Motza, just north of Jerusalem, where a cache of apparently cultic items were found in an ancient temple.

    Israel is often touted as the birthplace of monotheism. But the Motza artifacts, so similar to those of distant Hazeva and Qitmit, taken in conjunction with the previously discovered stands, shrines and altars from Megiddo, Taanach and Beit Sh'ean, paint a significantly richer picture of the religious life of this ancient land. Add the various figurines found strewn about the land of Israel of females in various poses and states of dress and undress as well as dogs, horses, and bulls: The iconography points to a pantheon of deities, as some scholars believe, or to two main deities, something of a duality.

    These practices of worshipping a pantheon or diumvirate godhead appears to have lasted throughout the Late Iron Age of the Land of Israel (10th–6th centuries BCE), and ended only with the Babylonian conquest of Judah and apparent expulsion of its residents. The ancient practices were gone for good, not returning with the exiles from Persia and Babylon, several generations after the exile, who upon their return derided the Samaritans for pagan beliefs.

    Items that speak of gods other than YHWH or "the One" span from standing pillars ("masseboth"), decorated shrine boxes, horned altars, cult stands, miniature icons, Judiahite Pillar Figurines - known in archaeological speak as JPFs - in varying poses: holding a drum or a disk in one hand, cupping their breasts, nude, pregnant, dressed, and so on. Added to this are ceramic and metal animal figurines, as well as male figurines, some with horns.

    Interestingly, there are vastly more female figurines and representations found on shrines than there are male ones.

    And now add to this the ground-breaking finds at Khirbet el Qom and Kuntillet Ajrud.

    Who's that girl?

    Going by what the Bible tells us, there were two major reforms against these apparent pagan practices, one by Elijah and the other by Josiah. And while there was much denouncement of them, the practices persisted, as can be seen in the endless complaints of the Biblical writers and in the archaeological evidence.

    The evidence points to the worship of at least two deities.

    This is a good point to wonder what these deities' names were. In fact we know, from several inscriptions.

    Image on pottery found at Kuntillet Ajrud. Inscriptions include Wikimedia Commons

    The first is an inscription that was found in an 8th century tomb at the site of Khirbet el Qom, in the heart of Judah, in a tomb. The inscription is a prayer, and contains the names of YHWH and that of Ashera, the latter is invoked three times. On one side of the inscription a crude tree appears to have been incised as well.
    Another famous inscription was found at the site of Kuntillet Ajrud, on the border of Judah. It also dates to approximately the same time period as the Khirbet el Qom findings.

    The site is scattered with dedicatory inscriptions to “YHWH and his ASHERA”. One stands out in particular: “To YHWH of SHOMRON and his ASHERA” (Meshel 2012: 86–101).

    Shomron or Samaria was the capitol of Israel, very far from this peripheral border of Judah. Along with the inscription, the drawings found with the inscriptions match the iconography found on the shrines, for instance the Tree of Life, with volutes and lotus blossoms for branches, feeding caprids, and a lion standing underneath this tree of life.

    So, Iron Age Israelites were not monotheists after all? Or, what do these cultic finds around Israel and Judah mean?

    It is a common joke in archaeological circles that if you don’t know what something is, then it must be 'cultic.'

    “Many classes of objects such as figurines are – contrary to what many of us think – not inherently 'cultic' at all," says Michael Press, an expert in Philistine culture and religion. "They could have been used in a variety of contexts and have a variety of functions. Some of these might be only religious in a broad sense, for instance, providing protection from evil." They might not have been religious at all, he adds – for instance, some might have been teaching tools.

    How then can one tell the difference? “We have to carefully look at the types of buildings we find these items in, what other objects are associated with them,” Press explains.

    A coastal tradition of cults

    He also points out that the cultic finds aren't confined to Israel and Judah. "The 9th century BCE Yavneh shrines – the most spectacular find of the last 15 years or so – are from a site within Philistia. They seem to represent a coastal Philistine tradition rather than an inland Judahite one.”

    Similar imagery is seen on the shrines is found throughout Israel and Judah as well and in the surrounding near eastern lands.

    The broad, and very important, implication of the finds is that different political and ethnic groups used broadly similar classes of objects, though there was regional variation, says Press. Recent finds at Motza, of an apparent temple with figurines that differ from the typical Judahite pillar figurines and horse and riders are the first clear example of a public cultic place in Judah, says Press. They also bear a remarkable resemblance to supposed “Edomite” examples from the Negev (from Horvat Qitmit and En Hatzeva in Judah).

    “At the same time, we have to be cautious about trying to draw too much information about something like 'religion' from material culture," says Press. "Archaeologists have a very difficult job in reconstructing the world of ideas, how people thought, from material remains. There is a gigantic interpretive leap from concrete remains to abstract theory. And at best we only get glimpses of that sort of world of ideas and imagination.”

    But was polytheistic worship of female figurines an "official state religion"? That is hard to prove, says Erin Darby, professor of religious studies at University of Tennessee-Knoxville and an expert on Judahite pillar figurines. She adds that it depends on what one means by "state religion." In her view, "state religion" refers to a religious activity performed by many of the people who lived within a national boundary. It is something sponsored or encouraged by the upper echelon, she elaborates.

    "The Judahite pillar figurines certainly tell us that many of the people who lived in Judah - Israel is a slightly different story - used small terracotta females in rituals that I strongly believe relate to protection and healing, most frequently taking place in homes and neighborhoods. This is especially true in Jerusalem, which is the corpus I know the best,” Darby says. She does not believe however that there is the textual or archaeological evidence that connects these particular terracottas to Asherah, the female deity.

    The fact is that Judahite pillar figurines were found in two Jerusalem areas - Shiloh's Area G and Ramat Rahel. That, says Darby, "indicates that people who were probably affiliated with either palace or temple used figurines."

    Use of figurines continued in Jerusalem throughout the Late Iron Age. "At the same time, in our petrographic study, David ben Shlomo and I found no evidence to support centralized manufacture by the state," Darby says. "The data seem to suggest the possibility of multiple local manufacturers in Jerusalem. Figurines were probably produced by the same folks who made pottery vessels.”

    In other words, daily practices in ancient Israel were more complex than the term "monotheism" suggests, Darby sums up. "I think you have tons of evidence to back this up, especially in Jerusalem and outlying areas like Motza. Not even the Bible claims that most ancient Judeans were strict monotheists," she says, though it is always disputable whether shrine boxes or figurines attest to Asherah specifically.

    At a minimum, these objects suggest ancient religious life was just as complex as anything in the modern world, Darby says.

    Ancient pantheons, not only the famous Greek or Roman ones, had multiple members including semi-divine lower level deities. "The typical version of monotheism associated with ancient Judah is the result of modern people choosing a few texts in the Bible to then reconstruct their ideal picture of what ancient Judeans did,” she sums up. But it clearly wasn't how people lived their lives.

  • mP


    Interestingly, there are vastly more female figurines and representations found on shrines than there are male ones.

    Thats because female goddess often had sacred prostitutes at their temple. Obviously they are more fun. We can see Judah went to one when he mistakenly had sex with Tamar( i think thats her ). Interestingly holy and sacred prostitute in hebrew have a similar consonant root.

    They were always checking their bits when they went to temple for a sacrifice or screw or both, thats how everyone knew someone was circumsized.

    Why would a man want to goto a male god temple when the female one had all the female holy prostitutes.

  • GromitSK

    Why would a man want to goto a male god temple when the female one had all the female holy prostitutes.

    - I can think of a few reasons sweetie :)

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    That's a really interesting article, FTS. Thanks fo sharing. It is interesting how the pre exilic and post exilic Jewish religions were quite different. Of course, bible believers put the swing to pure monotheism after the deportation down to the Jews finally learning their lesson by being sent to Babylon, but when one looks at how all the Jewish canon was written or edited after exile one can see how it all fits in. They make their prophecies look like YHWH had punished them, after he emerged as their supreme deity.

    If you find more on this, please post it.

  • blondie

    The WTS teaches that the nation of Israel in the OT was God's wife.

    The Watchtower Society is described as Jehovah's "wife" and "earthly instrument".

    "However, what we see exemplified in God's woman, his heavenly universal organization, we should look to see in his visible organization. Why? Because his higher, greater universal organization uses it as her earthly instrument. That is why we do see those motherly traits, those traits and acts of a virtuous woman, in the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and in the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, because these profess to represent and serve God's woman. We thank God for providing and using them. So we stand up respectfully and bless his faithful organization, his queenly "woman" in heaven which makes all these loving provisions for us as children of God." Watchtower 1950 October 1 p.348 "

    Referring to the Watchtower Society as Jehovah's earthly organization creates an air of divine authority. Personification as a motherly woman creates fear of displeasing "her". In reality, the Watchtower Society is a standard company with a Charter incorporated in America. It is a worldly corporation run by progression of men. Like any company, its foremost concern is ultimately growth and financial viability, achieved through book sales and donations.

  • Phizzy

    " Like any company, its foremost concern is ultimately growth and financial viability, achieved through book sales and donations."

    And don't forget the Great Property (Real Estate) Scam. That is a huge earner of late.

    Thanks for posting FTS, new information for many no doubt. The more we discover, in so many fields, we realise that the WT is simply wrong about everything, in this case they have many bed-fellows.

  • fulltimestudent


    Why would a man want to go to a male god temple when the female one had all the female holy prostitutes.

    Indeed! (grin), but, its generally considered that when laws were made forbidding a practise, it was because the practise existed.

    Hence, note Deuteronomy 23:17:

    " ... neither may anyone of the sons of Israel become a temple prostitute - NWT

    and 1 Kings 14:24

    " And even the male temple prostitute proved to be in the land."

    Its an assumption to think that contemporary attitudes concerning male 2 male sexual practises are universal.

  • fulltimestudent

    Julia Orwell

    Of course, bible believers put the swing to pure monotheism after the deportation down to the Jews finally learning their lesson by being sent to Babylon, but when one looks at how all the Jewish canon was written or edited after exile one can see how it all fits in. They make their prophecies look like YHWH had punished them, after he emerged as their supreme deity.

    You're on the money, Julia. Modern scholarship supports the idea that it was during the second temple era that Judaism developed the traditions that Christianity inherited.

    And it was the elites that were deported, (the common people stayed and the land was never desolate) and during their time in exile they developed the ideas that now permeate the western world. And, its important to note that many Jews stayed in Babylon (why go back to primitive Jerusalem, when you can live in a sophisticated city like Babylon, and make a lot of money from trading? - smile) and Babylon became an important centre for Jewish thought for hundreds of years, well into the Christian era, and well past the destruction of Jerusalem in 66 CE when all Jews were finally deported and Jerusalem became a Roman city, and a centre of Roman religious practise.

    (Which makes you wonder whether Revelation 18 has some other motivation behind its condemnation of Babylon?)


    If you find more on this, please post it.

    Sure will! It's great fun reading about Yahweh's domestic hassles, isn't it?

  • EndofMysteries

    The 'wife' you are speaking of is probably the "Queen of the Heavens" Israel was worshipping and Jeremiah was talking about.

    Jeremiah 44:15-23 The Israelites are telling Jeremiah that the only time they get calamities is when they cease to make sacrificial smoke and cake offerings to the Queen of the Heavens. Jeremiah tells them the calamities happen when YHWH can no longer put up with their badness.

    In vs 25 the israelites say they shall continue to without fail to perform their vows of making sacrifical smoke to the queen of the heavens.

    It makes me wonder reading Is 1:13-17 when the new moons, sabbath, offerings, etc, appear to never have been commanded by YHWH. Yet in other scriptures it seems he did command it.

    Also Acts 7:42,43, who was actually leading the israelites in the wilderness after they made the calf?

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