The last time I went to the KH was memorial 2013 and the Elder giving the talk
spooke of "two hopes" for christians...I sat there and wondered how did I
ever believe such a thing!..its not even in the bible!!!!That did it for me!
by wakingup60 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
The last time I went to the KH was memorial 2013 and the Elder giving the talk
spooke of "two hopes" for christians...I sat there and wondered how did I
ever believe such a thing!..its not even in the bible!!!!That did it for me!
Yeah, and it begs the question; if there are TRUE Christians, how do you recognize the FALSE? If they hang a tinsel wreath on their door, are they FALSE?
There are 2 hopes in the bible. It might not be how the WT shows it but there are 2.
Philppians 3:10-14 talks about the 'earlier' resurrection and the prize of the 'upward call'.
Throughout the NT it talks of the first resurrection and those are the ones who rule as kings and priests.
But unlike the WT in which "EVERYBODY" until modern times was apart of it, the bible does NOT agree with that.
How would we know when the first resurrection ended? Perhaps it is still ocurring as people die? We just have to try our best from day to day. It's all we can do. The rest is beyond us.
Eph 4:
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
The bible says 1 hope... the Wt says 2 hopes...
Romans 3:21-22, one hope and no distiction. In revelation where it talks about others after the first reserection or something like that that phrase is considered added text and not genuine by most bible scholars.
The hope is in God, therefore from heaven, or heavenly. And the Coming One is the Son of Man. If coming, though, there will also be a remaining, as the scripture states: He will be with humankind, and we shall be his peoples.
The others of his disciples he would also bring in, were we from the nations. Regarded as though we are Israel, his royal and holy tribes, remaining and growing in Him.
Neither Him nor the Father we have seen. Our trust suffices, sustained we don't know how.