Saw this on the cart this morning outside the train station on my way to work. Strange way to attract outsiders by trying to dog halloween
New billboard. The truth about halloween
by Hillary 2 Replies latest jw friends
Pictures never work anymore for some reason.... I understand what you are saying though. When I realized that every single year during my entire life, the WTBTS has recycled the same crap year after year, I was waking up to their scheme. They just point to the bad every day, they help very little in a practical way. In fact any charity that takes place come from the consciences of individuals who happen to be raised as jws, or converted. It comes from their hearts. They are good despite the ORG, not because of it.
Once you realize that the "spititual routine " has nothing to do with helping anyone, but really exists to keep you busy,tired, bamboozled and donating your money, you see things from a better perspective. Just wanted to add that the WTBTS is really looking for "right-hearted" ones. That is, ones who are down and out with no center of their own. Or ones who have been in another controlling religion, and need a different, friendlier brand to control them.