Now we all know how the Governing Body hates any defecters from Watchtower Corporation's control. Listening, Obeying, and be spared alive from Jehovah's wrath blah blah blah has become their new mantra sung to a liltingly slowly moving indoctrinatingly booring tune taylor made to dull the mind and not sharpen it.
So uncleaness that the congregation need to be kept clean from are things like people who celibrate birthdays, mother's day, christmas, even if you go to another church and participate the congregation needs to be cleaned from your pesents.
No gay couples, no crossdressers, no masterbaiters(they make sky daddy real sad), definately no children bringing wizzard like toys to the kingdom hall to play with(Jehovah considers these an afront to his sovereignty and make him sad, striaght dope from the GB who know what Jehovah feeling at all times)
Ipads and other electronic devices are OK but might bring in some uncleaness especially if they watching videos of hot looking brothers signing on and on about not touching those private spots and getting all horny and stuff because jehovah don't want to be looking down from heaven and see one of his worshippers masterbaiting because He's been deprived of the experience because he's god and he ain't got no wife nor anybody to work his dingaling, he don't even ease nature at all until he has a Relevation Climax or something repressing all that sexual energy can make you mean I hear.. And no apostate material or looking up web sites critical of the Governing Body while at the kindon hall meeting facility.
No Idols, visible tattoos, child molesters.
Person stealing money from the contribution box, they are very unclean and considered a Judas of sorts.