Ok just thought I'd share this odd experience that happened while I was responding to Perfect1's thread "Did a householder at the door ever cause you doubts?" (apologies for the bad typing in that btw - was on my iPhone and in my work-break)
Was just relating the experience of a householder who caused me to question my beliefs. Just for background, the call actually turned into a regular bible study. But a proper bible study (i.e. he refused to study any of the JW books). We used to have many in depth and enjoyable discussions. He was of a baptist-like faith but non-denominational I guess. He was very open minded and admitted that he had changed many of his beliefs as a result of our discussions but there were fundamental issues he could not agree on. I likewise changed many of mine too - he knew his Bible much better than me and I was genuinely impressed at his sincerity - he went on many outreach type campaigns, had had a few "spiritual" experiences and I realised that I was in no position to judge where these experiences came from (the stock JW answer would have been that they came from Satan). He even came to the memorial once but didn't like it because he said it was disrespectful to Jesus. He never came to the KH again. Lots of Jws told me I was wasting my time and to stop calling on him but I didn't because I considered him pretty much a friend - I was not just going to walk away because he didn't want to be a JW. Anyway I did stop calling round, for various reasons, almost two years ago well after I first stopped going to the meetings.
Anyway, in the middle of responding to Perfect1's thread, I received a text from him completely out of the blue. I was a bit spooked to be honest!
Here's a redacted text of the exchange (I've removed the pleasantries and other irrelevant bits)
My first response to his text:"How strange I was just thinking of you and a discussion we had at your house years ago!..."
Him:"What discussion was that?"
Me:"It was one where we were discussing a scripture in James about healing. A bit random I know (I think at the time I was trying to justify the JW judicial system)"
Him:"That is strange; & topical 4 me. Not all the JW beliefs were wrong. Many were good. Will tell u abt things later."
Now I'm intrigued! I wonder if someone else called on him and did a "better" job than me!