who comes up with the topics? and are these elders allowed to say whatever they think is appropriate?
public talks
by Realist 8 Replies latest jw friends
The Outlines, and Titles come from Bethel (HQ). The instructions on each outline say to stick to the material as written.
However, most speakers freewheel a little, because if they didn't the damn boring outlines would put everyone to sleep. But if a stickler elder wants to, he can call the speaker aside for "private counsel" if the speaker takes too much liberty with the script.
Yeah. For years now no one has been allowed to develop public talks on their own. I had done a few several years ago, but it's a big no-no now.
Unfortunately, most elders hardly freewheel at all when it comes to the outlines, which is WHY the talks are so boring!!
I was a elder if you would like I can post a public talk outline if you like. Just let me know.
that would be great! thanks!!
Here you go friend,
Note to the speaker:
Encourage the audience not to ignore the overwhelming evidence that "the great day of Jehovah" is near. Convey the urgency of meeting God's requirements for survival, and stimulate the audience to take actionWHY MANY FEAR THE FUTURE (5 min.)
Onslaught of crime, drug abuse, AIDS, nationalism, ethnic hatred, and deteriorating environment threatens mankind's future (g93 1/8 4-10)
The possibility of a nuclear disaster is not a relic of the past
Journalist C. Krauthammer warns: "The end of the Soviet threat does not mean the end of nuclear danger. The real danger is proliferation, and proliferation has just begun" (w94 8/1 3)
Thousands of nuclear weapons still exist (g92 3/22 28)
Nuclear-reactor accidents and problem of nuclear waste storage pose a serious threat to life
Is annihilation awaiting mankind? What is this world's destiny? If this world's destiny is disastrous, is escape possible?WHAT JEHOVAH GOD HAS DECREED FOR THIS WORLD (5 min.)
God will not let mankind perish (Isa 45:18)
But God has decreed destruction of Satan's world soon in "the great day of Jehovah" (Zep 1:14-18)
Jehovah, a God of love, enlightens his people in advance, and through them others are informed (Isa 42:9; 61: 1, 2)
So destruction is not unavoidable (Read Psalm 145:20)ALL ARE NOW BEING SEPARATED FOR ESCAPE OR DESTRUCTION
(12 min.)
Preservation during the "day of Jehovah" requires that we heed Scriptural warnings
But when disaster threatens, people often ignore warnings (w86 9/15 3-4; w80 12/1 3-4)
Donald Robinson wrote in his book The Face of Disaster: "Large sections of the population . . . simply cannot accept the idea that a disaster is going to befall them. They know that explosions, conflagrations, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, plane and train crashes do occur. That in wartime bombs will fall. However, they cannot bring themselves to admit that such catastrophes will touch them personally. That they, or the ones they love, may be horribly injured, killed. That their private cosmos may be forever disrupted. It is too awful to contemplate. It would require them to adopt a changed set of values, an entirely new frame of reference, and that is more than many people are capable of doing" (Page 58)
Many now do not think a disaster will befall them and are unwilling to make changes, just as the people would not change their life-style despite Noah's preaching (Mt 24:37-39)
Lot's sons-in-law ignored warning of Sodom's end (Ge 19:14)
In both cases, failure to heed warnings and make changes made escape impossible (2Pe 2:5-7)
Noah, his family, and Lot and daughters escaped by heeding warnings and obeying God; Lot's wife disobeyed and diedJesus Christ indicated that during his presence people would also ignore warnings (Read Luke 17:26-30)
Will you pay attention to evidence proving that Jesus now is present as King and the "day of Jehovah" is approaching rapidly?
Note some features of the composite "sign" of Jesus' presence (Mt 24:3; read Luke 21:10, 11)
One feature is unparalleled warfare
Some 69,000,000 died in World Wars I and II; millions more have died in wars since 1945
Another feature of the "sign" is "great earthquakes"
During this century, hundreds of thousands have died in earthquakes (g91 8/8 28)
"Pestilences" are still another part of the "sign"
In the global 'Spanish flu' of 1918-1919, about 20,000,000 died; diseases abound today (g94 4/8 31; w83 5/1 3-7)
Food shortage stalks the earth as part of the "sign"The World Book Encyclopedia says: "Most of the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America have barely enough food for their people. Millions in these countries go hungry. When food production or imports drop for any reason, famine may strike and thousands or millions of people may die."
Global preaching of good news is a chief feature of the "sign" (Mt 24:14)
Jehovah's Witnesses are doing this in _ lands, with over -- Kingdom proclaimers (Refer to latest Yearbook)
They also warn of Jehovah's day and point to way of survivalPERSONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ESCAPE AND SURVIVAL (12 min.)
Jesus gave instructions that we must now heed to escape calamity
We must keep awake and make supplication (Read Luke 21:34-36)
Flight without delay is vital when disaster threatens
So, as Jesus' followers fled Jerusalem, let nothing hinder your flight to safety among Jehovah's people now
(Mt 24:15-18)Personal escape depends on favorable relationship with Jehovah based on Jesus Christ's ransom sacrifice (Ro 3: 23-25)
Must learn God's ways, walk in his paths (Isa 2:2-4)
Dedication to God and baptism are essential
Always keep on guard according to Jehovah's word (Ps 119:9)
Eager study of the Bible and Christian publications a mustAssociate with God's people regularly; do not isolate yourself
Deliberately isolating self from God's people may lead to wrong ideas, failure to survive the end (Pr 18:1)
Therefore, "do not stay away from the meetings" (Heb 10:25, The Jerusalem Bible)Must show love for God and neighbor by preaching good news and teaching others about "the Provider of escape" (Ps 18:1, 2)
(3 min.)God will not let all mankind be annihilated
He has purposed an earthly Paradise inhabited by perfect humans
All those not on Jehovah's side will perish in rapidly-approaching "day of Jehovah"
All are now being separated for destruction or escape
Heed Scriptural warnings and counsel and prepare to escape this system's end
If you act now with faith in Jehovah, you can have a bright future with those who escape this world's destiny (Ps 37:37-40)
(Adhere closely to the outlined material, and observe the indicated timing of each section. Not all cited texts need be read. Source material in parentheses need not be mentioned)
No. 84--page 2 TO BE COVERED IN 45 MINUTES
thank you very much! that's what i expected...there is not too much space for individual comments and ideas.
Standard Robotics is all that is expected. No surprise there
Oh man!
This goes hand in hand with the latest WT magazine.
June 1st 2002 WT is entitled Should You Be Afraid of Death
Listen to the speaker notes and topic headers. They are written with the very intent to frighten:
and they have the nerve to say the WTS is NOT obsessed with Death?
Note to the speaker:
Encourage the audience not to ignore the overwhelming evidence that "the great day of Jehovah" is near. Convey the urgency of meeting God's requirements for survival, and stimulate the audience to take actionWHY MANY FEAR THE FUTURE
It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3