Would a Le Pen Presidency Favor WT in France ?

by Explorer 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Explorer

    Would a Le Pen victory for the French presidency result in a favorable turn arround situation for the WT in France ? He does not even support France being part of the EU, and has spoken out in favor of stepping out it if becoming president. Nationalism is starting to grow back not only in France but other european nations as well, with partisans for a NO to the EU.

    Would a France in the hands of a nationalist such as Le Pen would be more tolerant to the WT, reversing Jacques Chirac's actual version of "freedom of cult" in France.

  • chasson

    The only two "religion" in contact with Le Pen is Moon and catholic's integrist.

    I am not really proud to be french today :-(

    But Le Pen isn't still president. I hope he will never be.



  • sunscapes

    Well, he has a snowball's chance in Hades against Chirac...that being said, the Witlesses would be kicked out on their rear-end, like they should be for lying and misrepresenting to the French, Belgians, etc., etc. officials.

  • Celia

    Le Pen, President of France ?
    Gosh, I hope not. I don't admire Chirac, but LePen, come on, it would be like electing Hitler or Mussolini, or what is the name of the guy in the South US... who was campaigning to be Governor, I think... I forget. (He was in the KKK once, I believe)
    It's like the Germans started blaming all their problems on the Jews. That's what LePen is doing, blame the Tunesians, Algerians and Moroccans, or anybody who immigrated to France.
    We all remember how it ended for the Jews in Germany !

  • crownboy


    I think you are referring to former U.S. congressman David Duke. Thank god he hasn't won elections lately.

  • TheOldHippie

    Le Pen would be even worse that Chirac towards the Witnesses. But then, there has always been something different in the French mentality towards the Witnesses - and towards everything else not quite mainstream - than in most other European countries. Remember the Watchtower magazine was banned in France till around 1975-76.

  • Simon

    I'm guessing La Pen is the equivalent of our "National Front" eh ?

    Probably unlikely that he will get in but a shame that the election process comes down to not voting for who you don't want instead of getting someone you do.

    Of course us brits have a history of disliking the French (except chasson) and how they do things but then we go and build a tunnel to them ... maybe it's time to fill it in if he gets elected?

  • chasson

    Hi Simon,

    I have seen in a newspaper that in Great-Britain you have not political extremist, is it true ?

    If it is true, it is great.

    Well, i must vote for a burglar, Chirac has a lot of problems with justice, but it is better than extremism. Very difficult to be french these days...



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