So I ran into an old friend (elder) from the hall at the supermarket. He started off saying how much I am missed at meetings, etc . Then he asks if know what happend to sister Gomez. He said the sister has been out of a job for months and the friends can find a proper place for her. (She's been staying with the same 3 families in 5 day intervals) quick backstory: sister Gomez is blind in one eye and is not here in the US legally. She is the sweetest person ever, she always went out of her way to show her love for the friends. What really makes me sad and angry is when he told me that she called the PO the night before being evicted and he told her he was sorry but no congreational $$$$ support, and to trust in Jah and the friends. Ironically this brother has a huge home with plenty of space for sister Gomez, yet his family is not one of 3 that is actually helping.
News that tugged at my heart strings. :(
by El_Guapo 3 Replies latest jw friends
label licker
You don't have to be a jw to help this person. If you really want to show these bastards up for what they really are, help the poor soul(if you can). We saw the same thing here except our po has inground swimming poos. huge house, speed boat and two cadillacs. He did nothing.
Helping orphans and widows is a Biblical command, NOT anything stressed by JWs.
JWs money is to be sent to the Branch Office and not spent on "enabling" people who should learn to stand on their own two feet.
Suraj Khan
It enrages me to see the WTBTS selling their Brooklyn holdings for $800 million only to plough all of that and more into a huge facility in Warwick. If the Society had an ounce of Christian virtue, $799 million of their profit would have gone to those in need - as Doc said - AS THEY HAVE BEEN COMMANDED.
Pope Francis has made more of a gesture to the poor in the last year than the Witnesses ever have. How sick is that?