I was born in my step-MOTHER's home and lived there for more than 40 years before walking out mid-2009 never to return.
Because I have rejected her and her mother, they now falsely accuses me of also being a prostitute.
I have made great strides in improving my mental health after living with these seriously twisted and demented women for so long.
This is some of what they have written:
*** w80 5/15 p. 22 par. 2 The Calamity Facing All Religionists of the World ***
Religious Babylon the Great has played the harlot with all seven world powers. She has tried to ride them all as their mistress. They have drunk the religious mixture contained in her golden cup. Tiring of her, they will finally hate her and dump her off their backs.
*** it-2 p. 49 Jerusalem ***
Unfaithful Jerusalem... could only represent apostates, those following a ‘prostitute’ course of infidelity to the God whose name they claim to bear.
*** it-1 p. 849 Forehead ***
Another figurative use of the word “forehead” is found at Isaiah 48:4, where Jehovah stated that Israel’s forehead was copper, evidently because her stubbornness and rebelliousness were so great. At Jeremiah 3:3, the brazen and shameless apostasy of unfaithful Jerusalem is metaphorically described as “the forehead of a wife committing prostitution.”
*** it-1 p. 240 Babylon the Great ***
Both Israel and Judah apostatized from the true worship of Jehovah God and were condemned by him as having engaged in harlotry, prostituting themselves