Voodoo Practicing JW?

by baltar447 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • baltar447

    Ah, my guilty pleasure, Coast to Coast AM had this guy on last night who recently took trips to countries to further understand Voodoo. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2013/09/22

    I'm transcribing his exact words here below, where he's talking about how Voodoo has integrated with other religions in cluding Christianty(easily mixes with voodoo), to Islam(not mixes so well). Then he says the following which made me laugh:

    "For instance, our main guide is actually a member of Jehovah's Witness, and yet totally integrates that into the animist Voodoo ceremonies."


  • adamah

    baltar447 said-

    Ah, my guilty pleasure, Coast to Coast AM had this guy on last night who recently took trips to countries to further understand Voodoo.

    "For instance, our main guide is actually a member of Jehovah's Witness, and yet totally integrates that into the animist Voodoo ceremonies."

    That kind of stuff explains WHY you cannot trust the truthfulness of ANYTHING said on AM radio: the medium is for INFOTAINMENT purposes only, where truth takes a back-seat to the sensationalist ratings-grabbing capability of an entertaining story that can be created and told. What's amazing is how many people believe that kind of nonsense, or KNOW it's questionable until they hear a story they WANT to believe as true, so THEN the show is to be trusted as a reliable source.


  • RubaDub
    That kind of stuff explains WHY you cannot trust the truthfulness of ANYTHING said on AM radio:

    adamah ...

    I take exception to that.

    Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and others speak the truth on AM radio. If people would just listen carefully to them on a regular basis, we would all know that Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya.

    A few left-wing loons should not detract from your overall perception of AM radio.

    Rub a Dub

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