Awful car crash TV. Teenagers on vacation getting drunk having sex etc. Parents secretly watch. Then confront them at the end of the show. It turns out the parents of one of the girls are JWs! And they're just finding out what their daughter's really like! too funny!
BBC3 Sun Sea and Suspicious Parents - NOW
by krejames 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Not in the UK ATM but pretty sure it's a repeat an episode from about a year ago.
The even better one were the ex pioneer and MS couple getting married on Dont' Tell The Bride....
Yes it is a repeat.
haha I'm going to check that out Konceptual! Thanks for the link.
With SS&SP I couldn't help wonder how the parents were going to get "counselled" for doing the show. They seemed quite sweet actually. They obviously can't be uber dubs.
The don't tell the bride one is great, Anthony is a really nice guy too.
They probably caught some stick. I know a couple (elder and wife) from a West Wales congregation that were on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. They did not make it past the quick fire round but caught ALOT of stick from the congregation. Mostly jelly bags busy bodies who were gutted they'd not had the balls to do it earlier.
Couldn't watch Don't Tell the Bride as the BBC iplayer won't let me :( Tho, Google did throw up some interesting discussions about it from about a year ago when it was aired.
Captain Blithering
I knew holly from 'don't tell the bride'. Thoroughly nice girl, hope she's happy.. Cantleave are you in their area?