This is why "spiritual routine" is not a good thing regarding one's relationship with God.
Full Definition of ROUTINE (
1 a: a regular course of procedure <if resort to legal action becomes a campus routine — J. A. Perkins> b: habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure <the routine of factory work> 2 : a reiterated speech or formula <the old “After you” routine — Ray Russell> 3 : a worked-out part (as of an entertainment or sports contest) that may be often repeated <a dance routine> ; especially: a theatrical number 4 : a sequence of computer instructions for performing a particular task After reading that whole definition ask yourself this: Imagine you are married (if you are not already) or have a loving parent. Do you think your wife or parent would like you bringing flowers to him/her on a "routine" basis? Ya really think God likes routine? LOL