Spiritual Routine

by turtleturtle 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • turtleturtle

    This is why "spiritual routine" is not a good thing regarding one's relationship with God.

    Full Definition of ROUTINE (m-w.com)

    1 a: a regular course of procedure <if resort to legal action becomes a campus routine — J. A. Perkins> b: habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure <the routine of factory work> 2 : a reiterated speech or formula <the old “After you” routine — Ray Russell> 3 : a worked-out part (as of an entertainment or sports contest) that may be often repeated <a dance routine> ; especially: a theatrical number 4 : a sequence of computer instructions for performing a particular task After reading that whole definition ask yourself this: Imagine you are married (if you are not already) or have a loving parent. Do you think your wife or parent would like you bringing flowers to him/her on a "routine" basis? Ya really think God likes routine? LOL

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Life needs routine ie waking up and having breakfast each day, going to work, doing the washing, feeding the cat, tv scheduling- yep, life would descend I to chaos without routine. But routines are just the pizza dough of life, the boring bit you have to have so you can have all the good stuff. Stuff that's out of the routine, stuff that you can enjoy once the routine needs like tying your shoe laces is done. This spiritual routine we always heard about, never got to the good stuff; it was the basic dough , a drudgery that never left room for the fun of life. We were stupified by a dull as dishwater set of repetitive watchtower tasks that would have left god shaking his head and saying, "WTF! Why did I give you all this stuff so you can ignore it to sit in a dull hall? Why don't you use that wonderful brain I gave you?!" Wasting lives on pointless unnecessary routine would only please the God of Boredom.

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