Weird question. Have any of you had any personal experiences with the presence (not watchtower parousia presence) of christ within yoursef i.e the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, etc. or just experiences when you first came into a true relationship with Christ? These are questions ive always wanted to asked but didnt because of the org.
Any experiences with the presence of christ
by DS211 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Not with Christ directly that I could say was him but some experiences. When I was five I saw what I thought at the time was a ghost that created a wind over me and a few connected events around that. Also there have been a few strange instances connected with family members dying. Dreams that predicted the future is a big one with me throughout my life and other experiences not of that type. It’s a bit of a menagerie of things some of which I won’t talk about because they are too complex and strange.
If symptoms persist, please see a doctor.
Your very kind.
You're welcome.
We are like avatar brothers.
Yea very similar, it must be a sign. lol
Faithful Witness
Great question, and I'd be curious if any JW's will share any experiences.
I have had some obvious direction from the Holy Spirit in my life, but just over the past several months. While attending Kingdom Halls and churches, I did not have these feelings. It has just been over the summer, that I have really felt that I was bathed and filled with the Spirit. It is not something I ever thought I would proclaim. That kind of rhetoric was reserved for showy Christian types, and I'm just an average person.
The JW's teach you NOT to expect any special treatment, being one of the great flock. Anyone claiming to feel the presence of Christ, is to be viewed with suspicion. You haven't been paying attention, if you ever think God is going to reach for you personally.
I'm not going to bog down this thread with stories or fancy claims. I will say that I know that Jesus is here with me, and he comforts me and guides me. Listening to praise and gospel music, has been especially effective in helping me change my attitude.
Jesus is here for any who will believe and choose to follow. Die to yourself, and surrender to his love for you. is a great place to start, and even though the stories sound fanciful and sometimes are hard to believe... The power of music really is incredible. Why else would there be so many pslams in the bible? there is no easier way to lift yourself upward. Try it!
There are countless stories of personal testimonies from Christians who have felt the Holy Spirit or Christ work in their daily life. To post them would only be cause for flamers. Perhaps you will have to look elsewhere.