I heard about Coursera but in today's New York Times there was an article about massive online courses offered by universities. The three above universities started free courses before Coursera. As I scrolled down the course list, I noticed that a course in Paul's writings is offered soon. There is no college credit. Nevertheless, it should be stimulating and touch upon the major controversies surrounding Pauline scholarship. I prefer academic courses b/c no church doctrine interferes with the teaching. Well, no overt church doctrine. We are all members of our culture.
Coursera has allowed me to learn many things without too much investment in time. One can approach these courses at all levels. The lectures alone are interesting. Sometimes there is reading. The profs. usually list their favorite textbooks for students who wish to study more. There is concern that once enough people like the experience, these courses will offered on a fee based model. There may be other NT or History of Christianity courses.
I know the Teaching Company also offers course in Church Fathers, etc. The price is high, though. My local library purchased many of the course offerings. I assume other libraries are also purchasing these teaching courses.