Haven't posted in a long time but I just have to say that the Borg must really be building this annual meeting up to be a big deal. Talked with my dad and he hasn't had so much enthusastic anticipation since 1975. He said that it was announced that if all the seats are taken you should sit in your car and listen to the talks on the radio. I told him the rumour was a new NWT revision would be released. Just think they'll change a few words, pronouns, word tense, plural to singular, etc...... . and millions of witnesses will have to have it. Probably cost .50 cents to print on their toilet paper and will probably suggest 10 buck a copy. Don't forget the excitment of the night will result in stuffed contribution boxes. Have no doubt, the Watchtower Corp are marketing geniuses
about the annual meeting-going to be another money maker
by pontoon 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Listen on the radio,.. Tell us more about this feature as someone coulda at least record it if this is true.
When my dad told me that I just assumed it would be a low power broadcast like they do at conventioms
Yeah it will be low power but the anyone could record it! Record it!
I will have it recorded. Stand by.....