So... I have a page on Facebook... It's a page that just presents a little bit of Watchtower publication quotes and then translates them to Spanish. It is having a good effect on JW's... at least, I am planting seeds...
Here are some insights on my page:
1. A lot of JW's in my page have less than 10 years being JW's. Very few know anything about "the generation" and other things... When I commented about how we used to celebrate Christmas, one girl posted on my page, "this page is from apostates"!! Which I promptly deleted... she later posted "This page has LIES!! Jehovah's Witnesses have NEVER celebrated Christmas..." To which I replied that they had, and if she wanted proof of that just see the Proclaimers book and I quoted a Watchtower.
Conclusion: Most JW's don't know squat about their own doctrines and history. To help them, they must be at least educated on their past. I have to consistently tell people to read the Proclaimers book (With enough posts, people will see the WT BS).
2. I get "Facebook Insights" and I noticed that, overall, on Facebook, men account for 54% of people on Facebook, and women, 46%. My followers are 67% women, 33% men. This means that there are 2 women for every man among Jehovah's Witnesses. I concede that my statistics pool is only 300 people, but even when we get the people who I reached, which is over 3700, we get 60% women, 40% men.
Conclusion: (An already known fact, women make up the mayority of JW's)
3. People who like, comment, share, etc... are older. The people I reach are younger (average is around 24), but the people that react in some way to my posts are older (average is around 30).
4. I have a lot of "serial likers" (people who just like absolutely everything)... which is exactly why the JW's keep so many people: Critical thinking is at a critically low level of zero. A few have commented, and you can tell their uneasiness (some are shocked that even in the late 1920's the chronology was 1874....)
Anyways, the page is growing in followers, I have 300 already, and I hope to increase it to 1000. It is an effective way of spreading JW old light, this will hopefully trigger cognitive dissonance in some, and move them to investigate. I will definitely post as many embarassing quotes as I can, mixed with "nice" quotes...