Insights from my page...

by ILoveTTATT 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    So... I have a page on Facebook... It's a page that just presents a little bit of Watchtower publication quotes and then translates them to Spanish. It is having a good effect on JW's... at least, I am planting seeds...

    Here are some insights on my page:

    1. A lot of JW's in my page have less than 10 years being JW's. Very few know anything about "the generation" and other things... When I commented about how we used to celebrate Christmas, one girl posted on my page, "this page is from apostates"!! Which I promptly deleted... she later posted "This page has LIES!! Jehovah's Witnesses have NEVER celebrated Christmas..." To which I replied that they had, and if she wanted proof of that just see the Proclaimers book and I quoted a Watchtower.

    Conclusion: Most JW's don't know squat about their own doctrines and history. To help them, they must be at least educated on their past. I have to consistently tell people to read the Proclaimers book (With enough posts, people will see the WT BS).

    2. I get "Facebook Insights" and I noticed that, overall, on Facebook, men account for 54% of people on Facebook, and women, 46%. My followers are 67% women, 33% men. This means that there are 2 women for every man among Jehovah's Witnesses. I concede that my statistics pool is only 300 people, but even when we get the people who I reached, which is over 3700, we get 60% women, 40% men.

    Conclusion: (An already known fact, women make up the mayority of JW's)

    3. People who like, comment, share, etc... are older. The people I reach are younger (average is around 24), but the people that react in some way to my posts are older (average is around 30).

    4. I have a lot of "serial likers" (people who just like absolutely everything)... which is exactly why the JW's keep so many people: Critical thinking is at a critically low level of zero. A few have commented, and you can tell their uneasiness (some are shocked that even in the late 1920's the chronology was 1874....)

    Anyways, the page is growing in followers, I have 300 already, and I hope to increase it to 1000. It is an effective way of spreading JW old light, this will hopefully trigger cognitive dissonance in some, and move them to investigate. I will definitely post as many embarassing quotes as I can, mixed with "nice" quotes...

  • ILoveTTATT

    I guess a picture is worth a thousand words... I have to figure how to upload a picture showing the insights...

  • losingit

    Whats your fb page?

  • factfinder

    It seems a lot of jws have only been such for 10 years. Like you say, they are very ignorant regarding what was taught even in the 70's and 80's.

    I agree, most witnesses don't know about their doctrines, nor can explain them, much less what jws taught even in the recent past.

    The one who said your page has lies when you mentioned jws used to celebrate christmas almost made me laugh-they really know nothing about the history of their religion.

  • Fernando

    Dear Ms Lies, if you saw it in print would you still defend and deny your ignorance?

  • ILoveTTATT


    Interestingly, the herd mentality really showed... I had for the first time since I started the page negative likes that day...

    My post created huge controversy since I just stated that one of the songs used in the Photodrama of Creation was "Nearer to Thee", which was apparently the last song played before the Titanic sank... This "Ms. Lies" comes in and asks, "What are you talking about? The Society only uses music made at Bethel"... then she posted "This page is from apostates!" and then the "Lies" comment.


    @losingit: I have sent you a PM.


  • ILoveTTATT

    One guy posted and he could be the next Freddie Franz in making up prophecies... somehow he made up some math, text, more math to "prove" 2014 is a special date and posted it... DELETE!!

    Wow... this religion certainly creates people who become obsessed with the end, who, even if the WT died tomorrow, they would make stuff up themselves and continue punching the air...

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