From time to time I hear or read xjw's talk about scripture verses that they struggled to reconcile with whatever current Watchtower teaching was on a given subject. Most christians see new light as a conjured up interpretation by the Watchtower to revise or sweep away any prophetic pronouncement or misinterpretation that proves to be false, the Generation changes to site one example. One night some time ago when I let my jw wife know my true feelings regarding the Watchtower's claim of Authority, I sited Eph 4: 11-14 "and he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers,to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for the building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Som of God, to mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of christ, so that we may no longer be infants, tossed by waves ans swept along by every wind of teaching arising from human tickery, from their cunning in the interests of decietful scheming". I got no response and no never brought it up again. Did any of you see this verse as a jw at all and did it ever give you any trouble. Just woundering...
New Light's Achille's Heal
by marriedtoajw 6 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
Absolutely! I thought about it often, and thought since God gave different ones for different purposes and capacities, y did we all have to preach when only a few were any good at it? Why weren't we used according to our strengths? Yep, that and a lot of scriptures made me think.
I have read that. I know what you are saying. From a scriptural standpoint there has always been one hope. The GB claim that the bible was written primarily for the "anointed", a term that I do not like to use. There is only ONE " anointed." The rest are the"elect" according to scripture.
So the GB's teachings present a paradox. How can just SOME with a heavenly calling have insight? The GB say that only they can interpret or understand scripture, yet Jesus, if speaking to ALL, said that the HOLY SPIRIT would lead you to all truth, and that you need no one teaching you. So how can the following be true?
WT 06/15/ 2009
15 On the other hand, how should other Christians view a person who claims to have received this anointing and begins to partake of the emblems at the Memorial? He or she should not be judged. The matter is between this person and Jehovah. (Rom. 14:12) However, Christians who have truly received this anointing do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the “great crowd” may have. (Rev. 7:9) They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the “other sheep” have. (John 10:16) They do not expect special treatment; nor do they claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation. Either ALL elect are shown truth via Holy Spirit or not. The 2 class christian system, the hierarchy of the WTBTS, the morass of inconsistencies, the insane dogma, ideas of men, all of it goes beyond what is written. The nu-light is like a screen door on a submarine.
DATA, that WT you quote was the beginning of the last straw for me. Growing up we were told that this anointed remnant class was what made us special and they directed us. This watchtower totally contradicted everything i was taught. Their jig was up after i read that WT. Thsi new light that only the GB are the FDS and direct and teach even the anointed flies in the face of the bible. If people actually thought at all in this religion they would be leaving in droves. Unfortunately like my wife they think 'well these are our masters and surely they know more then us'
this fresh light is more like an Achille's leg rather than just an A heel.
it is the one wt writers do not have to stand on any more. but:
even an Achilles' heel is only mortal when attacked or infected. so:
In my childhood congregation, we had a lovely old sister who took the emblems and we respectfully referred to her as "one of the anointed remnant". She was a little eccentric but we never doubted her sincerity or mental health. Although she never asserted as much during the meetings, individually to us she claimed to always know what was in the latest magazines before even reading them by means of Jehovah's holy spirit.
She died in the mid-1970s in her late 80s after a lifetime literally toiling for the organization.
We loved and respected this sister.
But, oh, how times have now changed: If she were a witness today claiming to be one of the anointed remnant in the current suspicious-minded congregations, she'd be barely tolerated at best and shunned at worst for claiming a direct link with the hold spirit!
Paranoia reigns supreme! After the 4 part 'nu lite' bombshell WT, you don't heard anyone discussing this "wonderful nu lite". The typical KH buzz was not there after meetings. I have been with a few of my former 'fellow elders' (I'm not and elder any longer) after the meeting in the past few weeks; silence about the 'nu lite'. They know that I know that they know that all this 'nu lite' is troubling and distrubing.
The 'special' AGM is a bunch of hype to calm the many disturbed brothers and sisters. Hype and stirring up expectations of nothing is what the WT has become. Psalm 146:3 "Do NOT put your TRUST in nobles (gb?) whom NO salvation belongs".