I don't post here much, but I came across this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om4pB0ZZNP4 about understaning how the mind of a Jw works. I know none of you need any help in this area, but you never know who might. It explains how the Watchtower society uses mind control on Jws. What do you guys think of it?
So I stumbled on this video (kinda long) that I think is extremely helpful
by emanresu 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Eman ...thank you for posting this very informative video!
Excellent info & easy to understand how it is put forward.
I wish I could have seen it 3 yrs ago ...it would have simplified many things!
I highly recommend this for all newly enlightened cult members!
Nice to see you on here ... hang around & post your story.
excellent... thanks!