For those who stay, or return.

by dmouse 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    It is very difficult for normal, well-adjusted people to understand why some take hard drugs. It is painful to watch healthy men and women eaten away by the chemicals that infest them. Eventually, they become empty shells of their former selves, dying both metaphorically and literally.

    It is even harder to understand why some who have managed to become clean of drugs, who have seen the degradation that it causes and know that it is a blind alley, who then return to that seedy underworld and begin once again to pollute themselves.

    There must be a reason. A reason beyond mere addiction. I believe that the reason that many take hard drugs is due to their an inability to face reality. For that is what drugs can do – they offer the benefit of removing, temporarily, the need to face reality.

    A similar question is why some, who have seen at first hand the degradation of the soul that becoming a Jehovah’s Witness engenders, suddenly decide to return.

    Is it that they cannot face reality? Do they seek an alternative reality?

    For some, who may be socially inept, the Jehovah’s Witnesses offer a ready-made circle of pseudo-friends. It is a safe haven of people who can associate with you, and they have talk to you because you are part of the club (until you break the club rules).

    And the Jehovah’s Witnesses offer bitter people the chance to get back at their enemies. ‘Our God is going to destroy you at Armageddon’ and ‘only we have the truth’. The Jehovah’s Witness religion, among other things, is a paradise for delusional and bitter paranoids.

    Perhaps the most powerful reason for staying in or returning to the vomit that is the Jehovah’s Witness religion is that it provides a God who will sort out all your problems for you. You don’t have to think, you don’t have to worry, and you don’t have to face reality. Wait on Jehovah; he will sort it all out.

    It is sad when people we have come to know and care for refuse to accept the truth. It is sad to watch them waste away inside. Like a powerful drug, the teachings of the Organisation infest the spirit, stripping away any decency, any humanity, until they become an automaton unable to speak or understand anything not sanctioned by the GB. They become trapped in a little bubble of alternative reality.

    But we have to be aware that, for some, there is little we can do, except be there for them when they need us. Hopefully, one day, that spark of humanity within them will rise to the surface above the dross piled upon them by the Organisation. We should not judge if or when that might happen.

    Wherever humanly possible, if or when that time comes, we should be there to offer our hand.

  • LyinEyes

    I enjoyed your post, it does make alot of sense as to why some return, or just stay put. I have seen , by close association, what real drugs and what a cult can do to a person. Like you said it eats away who they really are and they cease to be. They become a shell. How sad is that?!!? Very , very sad, I lived thru this with my mother and I didnt see it until I left the borg myself. Years of denial on my part, I couldnt blame the religion. After all , I was trying so hard to be a good jw. I was so wrong about that . My mother's suicide is now a burning issue for me, almost like it happened yesterday, because I see things on an entirely different level now that I have left the borg. The only thing I can say , is brainwashing at it's finest. I never really blamed the JW for any part in her death, but I can now, the blinders are off of my eyes.
    It is evil , what the JW's do to people ,somewhere down the road , I pray they answer for all the lives they have taken, both literally and spiritually.

  • Marilyn

    I think the only people who return to it are those who never really understood that it wasn't the truth. These ones left the Org for other reasons but they were always troubled by their consciences. I think there are a lot of people out there that still believe it's the true religion, but just find it too hard to follow. They are vulnerable to returning at some point in the future. In my case though, I'd need a frontal lobotomy before I'd return to the Organisation. Those that have truly seen the light cannot go back. As someone said "you cannot unring a bell".


  • rmayer32
    I think the only people who return to it are those who never really understood that it wasn't the truth. These ones left the Org for other reasons but they were always troubled by their consciences.

    I certainly fell under that category for a long, long time. Though I never did end up going back had things or circumstances been a bit different or had I not found out the truth behind the truth it would have probably been a matter of time before I did it.


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