Growing up in the Watchtower has left me with an Aversion to Whispering!

by cofty 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    I can't stand it!

    If somebody starts whispering in my presence I have to walk away quickly. It's a visceral reaction I can't control. I feel a wave of anger towards the person whispering.

    An advert just came on TV for coffee and a woman's voice whispers something about how wonderful it is - within seconds I wanted to scream at the TV.

    My wife - she never whispers - and I were talking about it a while ago and I am certain I know why. It was years and years of being whispered at aggressively at every meeting to sit still and be quiet as a child.

    As psychological scars go it's trivial but I thought I would share. If we ever meet, please don't whisper or don't do it within arm's reach.

  • Oubliette


    Interesting reaction, but--once you explained it--very understandable!

    If we ever meet I'll be sure to always speak to you in a clear strong voice!

    I have a close family member that suffers from a peculiar phobia due to an traumatic childhood incident. To this day it haunts her even though she's very aware of the cause and how irrational it all is.

    The truth is it is NOT trivial. These are powerful emotional reactions to very traumatic events early in our life that have shaped who we are, often for worse.


  • fulltimestudent

    Understood, Cofty!

    I don't have that aversion though.

    My aversion is to wearing suits.

    I dont own one and do not think I will ever own one again. If I have to appear as formal, I wear a plain white shirt

  • Spectre

    I have aversions to quite a few things and one is whispering....and for the exact same reason.

  • GoneAwol

    HI BILL! hee hee! I will pm you when I get a weekend off. Promise

  • Phizzy

    Thanks Cofty, that explains Mrs Phizzy's aversion to whispering I would think, it really winds her up, she says it is rude.

    I don't go ape about it, but I do find it annoying. I had the aversion to suits when i was an active JW, I did not own one for years, despite giving Public Talks etc

    I have an aversion to the neck-tie though, which comes from having to wear one as a J.W, I can never understand ordinanry guys who choose to wear one when its not a formal occasion, what a piece of strangling, uncomfortable crap they are, I remember an Awake article which made me puke at the time, extolling the virtues (????) of neck ties, I hated them then.

    I have only worn one on a few occasions since leaving the Cult, I like to be as comfortable as possible, I am a fully qualified Slob.

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