The big secret - Racial relations.

by Spartacus 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spartacus

    I am not speaking of 'secret' in the sense that no one knows this, but in the sense of the phrase 'open secret' where no one wants to talk about something that is known and true, but makes people uncomfortable. Kind of like the 'crazy aunt' that lived in a room in the finished attic. Everyone knew she was there, but no one wanted to talk about her being there.

    Well, the open secret about race relations in the USA, is that all of us working class folks have been used against each other by the elite from the earliest history of this country. When Anglo/Scot workers in Northern factories got uppity and wanted better working conditions, the factory owners would bring in the Irish to replace them. When the Irish started getting uppity about 20 years later after the Civil War, the factory owners started bringing in the white trash from the South, and when we were too much trouble they started bringing in blacks in the early half of the 1900's.

    Now blacks are getting uppity and are being replaced by immigrants, legal and illegal, and others who can claim 'minority status' one way or another. Hispanics are taking the jobs that lower class blacks and whites would take to work up into the middle class. Asians are going into the black community and establishing stores. Minority set asides are going to white businesses where the former male owner 'sold' the business to his wife, etc.

    The continuing theme to all of this is that working class wages keep getting undercut by new additions to the labor force pool, at the expense of those who just got in one generation before. So really, the elite in our country are not rracists, they would exploit anyone of any race. What is interesting about it all is how they keep doing the same thing and no one seems to ever learn their game and take a winning strategy against it.

    Here is another little 'open secret'; each community is given a designated elite that the white elite work through in order to control that community. This intermediary elite would be given leadership positions, treated by the elite with respect, and allowed to accumulate wealth at a personal level. But it was all contingent on that intermediary remaining in his place and loyal to the elite. This was long done on an ethnic basis, and now is being done on an inter-racial basis too. In the white community, the churches, and the fraternity/lodge system was created to provide an intermediary between the elite and unwashed working class of the group in question. The same churches and fraternities exist in the black community as are in the white community, and they all serve the interests of the elite, with a few exceptions. Most of the black elite are of mixed race, and the whites they tended to be mixed with was the white elite. So the house slaves were seperated from the field slaves because the white elite were simply showing preference to those who partly shared their blood. Is it any different today? Is this partly why the white elite would rather deal with Jesse Jackson than Roy Innis? Why they dont mind Thurgood Marshall on the SCOTUS, but despise Clarence Thomas?

    So what? Well, it just amazes me when I see working class blacks blame working class whites for all their problems when they should be looking a little closer to home. The typical working white guy has done zero to keep blacks down, and in fact, wants the system to be fair to blacks, because when you guys start getting robbed in some new fashion, we know we need to start keeping our heads up too.

    But in whose interest does it serve for blacks and white workers to blame each other for what they see as the problems in their communities? Who benefits from our being divided against each other on the basis of race? I think we all know.

    When we start thinking rationally and try to have and use the real economic facts instead of centuries old mythology and pie-in-the-sky windfall lawsuits, then maybe one day things can improve for all of us whose ancestors broke the soil in 19th century America.

    Till then we are just being useful idiots to the American elite, which is just a branch off of the European elite. And speaking as a descendant of European lower class folks, that is not a good thing for any working whites or blacks, I promise.

  • Leander

    Interesting observation. I guess this is another example of the golden rule: he who has the gold, makes the rules.

    Another interesting thought is some of the Jewish elite have a lot of power and wealth, but yet they still experience racism to a certain extent.

  • SYN

    Anyone who says there isn't racism in the Organization simply needs to look at the ratio of races in the Organization, to the ratio of those same races in the GB.

    Nice post, very interesting to read.

    During a code review, when I asked why there was not a comment in 240,000 lines of code which was getting handed to me for maintenance, the programmer replied, "I'm terse."

  • Gopher

    It's kind of like the proverb "Man has dominated man to his injury". This is an excellent post, and it shows who's dominating who! Will it ever end? Maybe the system as a whole cannot be fixed, but you and I can refuse to play the hatred game -- and thus hand the dominators a small but important defeat.


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Spartacus

    Thanks SYN and Gopher, it's the truth though, note how important immigration is in the USA. Cheap labor is an important component in the American economy. As races progress economically they do not take those jobs that once was desirable to work.

    Leander what you say is true:
    "Another interesting thought is some of the Jewish elite have a lot of power and wealth, but yet they still experience racism to a certain extent."

    But the liberal controlled media and liberal controlled universities are much responsible for anti-semitic sentiments. The Media is not really interested in the truth but to keep fanning the flames of hate so they will have good stories but those tactics are biting them in the butt because now News Networks such as Fox News and now MSNBC are telling BOTH sides and the truth stands out because the facts are there and MOST people are not stupid. Allen Keys making sense is doing well in it's time slot because he invites radicals\leftist\liberals on his show and expose the truth. Often they have little to say to refute what he says because he uses facts not slogans to back up his points.

    CNN and all the other more liberal networks are getting kick in the Ass rating wise by Fox News and took nearly half of CNN's watchers because the ring of truth is not there and their reporters show liberal leanings. When people compare, it becomes obvious they have not reporting all sides of many stories.

    Now CNN is looking for a liberal to host similar shows like Bill O'reallys "the factor" and Allen Keys making sense" but no success to this point. I tell you they will never be successful if they do not embrace TRUTH!

  • Carmel

    Geez Sparty,

    Two of my "white elite" sons married beautiful ladies of "dark skin". They must not fit into your manifest secret paradigm.


  • rmayer32

    Very interesting and well put.


  • Spartacus

    Carmel, that is cuz you did a fine job raising them boys. With good taste too!!

    Thanks rmayer32


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