Best Comedy for Dysfunctional Persons!

by waiting 9 Replies latest social entertainment

  • waiting

    STUART LITTLE SAVES HIS FAMILY In fact, it's on right now - but I've seen it at least half dozen times - it's great.

    This movie laughingly goes into really serious sh*t. And it handles it well. A great movie to appreciate how most families are - to one degree or another.

    Now to a beer, pizza, and Stuart........

  • Seven

    waiting-I've never seen Stuart but if you say it's
    great then I'll have to give it a look. I'm watchiing Interview With A Vampire on HBO-and enjoying it. A little on the gruesome side but it
    has the Trinity in it[Brad Pitt, Antonio Bandaras,
    Tom Cruise]-pass the popcorn.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Oooo...Interview with a Vampire....I loved that movie. The book was even better. I LOVE Anne Rice......shhhh don't tell anyone I'm into the Vampire/horror thing.....I don't think it would be looked on too kindly.....but (hehehehe) I LOVE those books.

  • Seven

    Rhw, I am also a fan of Anne Rice. I think she's working on the screenplay now for Queen of the Damned. It looks like she has Nicole Kidman in mind for Akasha opposite her hubby Tom as Lestat.
    We know Red that it is best to avoid novels that
    arouse immoral feelings or that engender unrealistic expections.(hehehe)

  • spectromize


    The winner goes to " DUMB AND DUMBER." starring Jim Carey.

    I laughed hysterically on some parts, worth to see if your feeling dysfunctional on some night.

  • waiting

    Spectrum, Dumb and Dumber was just plain funny - and really, didn't address a useful subject - other than the scene where the guy licked the ski chair. Now that was an excellent and realistic scene. My mom as a kid actually did something similiar - to an old ice box. Her father, not known for patience - just ripped her (and her poor tongue) from the ice. Poor little girl suffered terribly for about a week afterwards.

    Stuart deals with every emotional dysfunction you can think of, almost. Drinking, drugs, fat, incest, brutality, shelfishness, low self esteem....the list just goes on and on, but it does it in a humorous manner which gets you thinking - but thankfully not too hard. It really is a serious movie done humorously.

    But it was a close choice - I really like Interview with a Vampire also. My kids read all of Anne Rice's books, but I never did. Liked the movie, though. I'd be hard pressed to get a moral out of it - other than Vampires exist (in Anne's head - and big bank account.)

  • RedhorseWoman

    waiting, you're missing the whole point of Anne Rice's books. :) You're not SUPPOSED to get a moral out of it, except perhaps that you shouldn't judge people (or the undead) by external criteria (such as draining someone's blood and tossing them aside like a dead bug). LeStat had principles!!

    Actually, they are enjoyable because of the rich fantasy they portray. They're not "blood and gore" novels, although they can get pretty gory at times.

    Has anyone read her novel, "The Mummy"? That was just about the most unusual and poignant love story I have ever read.

  • waiting

    Dear Red Horse,

    Oh, yeah? (pain medication deadens the brain from any intelligent combacks). I'll be better soon.

    If you like those kinds of movies, how did you like "WOLF" with Michelle Phieffer and Jack Nicholson? I loved it. It had a moral, however, Wolves are cooler than humans.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I liked "Wolf" a lot. And you have a good point. In fact many animals are cooler than humans....and they act better, too.

  • JRK

    "Stewart Little" is a different movie! It is Stewart Smalley in "Stewart Saves His Family."


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