Are JW`s drinking blood at memorial?

by Englishman 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    This article appeared in "The Times" today. (Sat, Feb 10, London):


    "Dear Jane

    Q: I am French and prefer to drink French wines. Recently my British friends have told me that red French wines contain animal blood to give colour and also gelatine. Are these rumours true? — Mrs Moss, Harrow

    A: Sadly, they can be. A long time ago fraudulent Italian wine producers were found doing just that with ox blood, and last year in the Rhône a few French growers were caught using an animal-blood-based powder to fine (clear) their red wine. It is illegal only since the BSE scare. Gelatine, in both its animal and vegetable forms, continues to be an accepted EC wine additive.

    France is no more guilty of these old-fashioned wine practices than any other European country. And fining agents such as these are precipitated out of the wine long before it goes on sale. Do not let your witless friends scare you."

    OK, I`m sure that the reference to witless friends is just coincidental, but it does make you wonder about the memorial. The phrase "This means my blood" could be a lot more accurate than many JW`s would care for!


  • ZazuWitts


    HaHaHa, I am certain some JW's will see this and start an alert not to drink red wines! Perhaps we can look forward to an "Awake" article in the near future.

    Reminds me of the 'lecithin' scare back in the mid-to-late '60's...which had witness sisters' carefully examining food labels to see if eggyolks were in the ingredient list - and 'shunning' such products on the outside chance that a speck of blood would be allowed in products by the
    "worldly" food industry.

    My JW sister-in-law gave up egg noodles, as an expression of her 'loyalty' to the bORG when they published that article. But, she eats them now. Ha,ha, again, this is the sort of 'stuff' that results in JW
    "urban legands." Thanks Englishman.

  • ozziepost

    Now come on, pommie, who ya kidding!

    It might be the weekend, but some of us downunder are awake (I think!)

    Now we all know that they don't drink it, do they? They pass the wine around amongst themselves and reject it. The speaker stands on the platform worrying that:

    a) someone will spill it

    b) someone will drink it

    Strange that he has just read from Luke 22:19 "Keep doing this in remembrance of me", but they don't do it. They have a ceremony to show that they reject it.

    On this basis, how can we, if we be Jehovah's witnesses, call ourselves Christian?

    Ozzie (who wishes to obey the Lord's command to keep doing this)

  • happytobefree

    I don't know much about obeying God's command as far as drinking the wine. But I would love to bring my family and all the friends that I can to the memorial so we could partake of the wine and those little crackers. You know how quiet it is when they pass those emblems, well, I can hear the gasps and throat clearing now.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • Simon

    I've thought of a few *neat* things to do at the memorial:
    1. Hold up the glass and say "Cheers Jesus, I bet I can turn it back into water faster than you can"
    2. Drink the wine then wave the empty glass at the Elder saying "More wine here please waiter"
    3. Pop a little sticker on saying "Visit" or "Your advert here - call 555..."
    4. Keep downing the wine and seeing how many times they'll refill it and try and pass it along. See if you can have the whole bottle.
    5. Poor it all on the floor. That's what we're supposed to do with blood IF that command is still in force. Be sure to say "Gee, I hope that won't stain...anyone have any white?"
    Anyone else think of any?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Stick your finger in the glass, then declare in a VERY loud voice, "EWWWWWW! It really IS blood! GROSS!!"

    First sniff the glass; then cradle it in your palm while swirling it to release the "bouquet"; then take a little in your mouth, swish it around and spit it back into the glass, while declaring that the vintage is unacceptable and you'd like another.

  • waiting

    Hey Red,

    Ewwwwweeeeee, we use Mogan David unadulterated grape wine here. Not worth the effort. Pure and cheap.

    The flatbread is as bad tasting as the wine.

    Just kinda takes the fun out of it. The sisters dress up like Easter down here - would be terrible to mess up their Kinda Easter Outfit!


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