What is the connection between Astrology, Jesus, the Apostles and the Cross

by I_love_Jeff 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • I_love_Jeff

    The 12 Apostles????

    Jesus' Astrology Birth Chart???

    Maybe the Jehovah's Witnesses have something right about the Cross and its connection with paganism????

  • Finkelstein

    The Cross has no other significance other than it was pagan Romans who used it for crucifying people to death.

    And yes there are archaeological findings that show it was a cross and not just simply a stake as the JWS suggest.

  • Crazyguy
    The cross goes back to the Ank which is Egyptian but so does the concepts of a spirit, going to heaven, living in Paradise, called the field of reeds, having ones heart condition judged the goddess Maat puts her feather on one side of the scale. This is all in the book of the Dead. Jesus is the representation of the sun and was modeled from older sun dietys like Serapis, Helios, etc.
  • OrphanCrow

    The symbol of the cross is much older than Christianity and images of the cross exist across many ancient geo-cultures.


  • Twitch

    I see a cat's cradle and maybe a boat anchor. What does that mean?

    Pretty pattern though. I like mine better


  • WTWizard

    There are plenty of other ways the cross was used before Jesus and the xians stole it. For one, there is the Cross of the Zodiac that divides the houses. There is the line where the 12th and 1st houses are separated by, continuing to the 6th/7th houses. Then the line crosses that that separates the 3rd/4th houses. This has significance, since your ascendant is on the line separating the 12th and 1st houses. This is the sign that was rising at your birth and may or may not be the same as your sun sign.

    We also have the chakras forming the cross. You have 7 major chakras running the vertical, and the hip chakras cross that. This is where the upside down cross comes in. And yes, the Swastika is the symbol of your solar chakra, which is the third chakra, rendering that sacred symbol of pagan origin as well (it is also the symbol of the Sun).

    Then there are the starbursts. These usually depict a bright star on the cross. This is the bright star Sirius pointing to where the sun will rise on December 25, which is the real Nativity story. It bears well to do more research on these side points about the cross, since there is so much more to this sacred symbol than Christi-SCAM-ity.

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