Just be Prepared .....

by VitoJW 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • VitoJW

    .... If they are climbing the ladder types, or want a notch in their belt, they will try to persuade him to wait for the Co visit... Then they will "delete" him instead.... giving themselves a fine pat on the back for not allowing any leaven to corrupt the flock...

    Trust me...... I've been there.

  • VitoJW

    This was supposed to be a response to Prisila below.....
    Oops.... sorry. Thats why I am a "newbie" I suppose.
    Will I get reproved for this?

  • Dawn

    Why of course!!

    We would have reproved you privately - but now everyone knows about it and we can't allow any of the other sheep to be stumbled you know...

  • SYN

    We're forming a Judicial Committee already!

    Every religion is the One True Religion.

  • noidea


    Before any decision can be made..you need to give us a second by second detailed statement in regards to writing your response. Please take your time in doing this so as not to leave any details out. *every slimy detail. (Coats over their laps the hands of those serving on the committee *aka..wankers R us* disappear into their baggy pants pocket).

    We need to know if you had any self gratification while writing it and posting it in the wrong place. Again slowly the details.

    Do you think that you could refrain from this sin in the future? *tears would also be good right about now. (Sweat dripping from the foreheads of those serving on the committee).

    We may need to meet with you a few more times before a decision can be made as to your standing on the board.

    *Vito exits the back room ( those on the committee then take out their cigarettes and start to compare notes..*was it good for you?)

  • og

    What is really needed is a show of repentance. "Oops" just doesn't cut it mister.

  • VitoJW

    Mr Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately.

    Whaattsa you saya?

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