ever heard Any original sermons at a KH?

by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    At some churches they have `parables of the talents and give out 5ers to members of the congregation telling to increase the amount they have given.

  • Leander
    At some churches they have `parables of the talents and give out 5ers to members of the congregation telling to increase the amount they have given.

    Talk about being greedy, sounds almost like a pyramid scheme.

    I have'nt actually heard any original sermons but once a visiting brother came to our hall and gave a discourse marriage and when he got to the section of the talk that dealt with sex he got so carried away the brothers had to escort him off of the stage. That was pretty damn original as far as I was concerned.

  • revdrjohnson

    Leander Said:

    I have'nt actually heard any original sermons but once a visiting brother came to our hall and gave a discourse marriage and when he got to the section of the talk that dealt with sex he got so carried away the brothers had to escort him off of the stage. That was pretty damn original as far as I was concerned.
    ROFLM A O!!!

    Keep the Faith


  • Leander

    It was really hilarious to some of us younger brothers. The speaker was basically going into graphic detail about how to please your mate and just how enjoyable sexual relations were. But the real kicker was the terminology he used, he employed a lot of slang in his discourse. At the time most of the congregation was composed of older friends, the looks on their faces was priceless.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    When I lived in virginia a brother used to give talks at the prison just out side of Emporia VA.

    Well he got into the subject of masturbation with about 20 prisoners attending.
    He name was Transue a very different type of JW I was his asistant(MS) at the time(1977).
    He really got into his talk about masturbation useing(liberally) very discriptive lewd hand jestures, needless to say I was uncomfortable durring his whole talk.

    He approached me one time to tell me the prisoner that a I was studying with confessed to him he had anal sex with one of the other prisoners. He said,"He Fuck one of his fellow prisoners in the ass" I said "what?" He said "He fucked him in the ass". Of coarse I was shocked at his choice of words because I thought a JW Elder wouldn't use slang(I've matured alot since then).

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • LDH

    Leander this thread is priceless...


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