Are we close?
Science, our friend -our enemy?
by Xenu 7 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
Man has always benefitted by following the dictates of superstition or the insane ravings of xcience fiction writer Elron Hobo.
refiners fire
I'll bet Claude has already got his cryo freeze tube purchased and set up for his tilt at immortality.
Along with uncle Walt Disney. -
Yes I am quite close to the Powdered Donut oracle. The Green God tells me it is so.
I think cloning is a fascinating field of science. I often wonder will cloning eventually lead to prolonging the lives of individuals.
Mamma-mia! It works!
LOL cute post ChuckD.
Cloning opens a whole new world of ethical dilemmas.
While the Bush Administration has taken a conservative hardline stance on the possibilities, I respectfully have to disagree with the current regime in power.
A complete and total ban on cloning research in effect halts the progress of science. Research on cloning specific human body parts from a person's own tissue is not science fiction anymore, but reality.
While it does pose a moral quandry when you consider if it is man's right or position to clone an entire living "entity" or human body.. you cant deny the research and science soon available that will allow people with missing limbs or mangled bodies from accidents the opportunity for full recovery with the new gifts science has on the horizon.
I for one predict this. If they DO allow human cloning to take place, and at some point entire human clones are created, there will be an entire new Civil Rights Movement. Even if the clones are to provide body parts or slave labor and are genetically programmed to obey or recognize themselves as inferior .. at some point they will become self-aware. "I think, therefore I am" so to speak.
If clones are able to think, breathe, and exist, they are in essence living things as well.
We are living in amazing times. Man should use moderation in what lies in the not so distant future. I believe that the research should be allowed to further the interests of science... now I am not a very religious person, but it should be restrained cautiously so that man does not assume the position of Creator.
I dont believe much the Bible has to say, but indeed "Man has dominated Man to his injury"
Just my 2c.. felt like venting this morning.
It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3 -
about the clones,
a clone would be a completely normal human being... essentially your own twin (just younger than you are).
there wouldn't be the need for a new civils right movement since no one would produce cheap workes this way (way too expensive since you have already millions of cheap workers).