While WTS Falters, Catholics Set To Take Action!

by winsome 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • winsome

    U.S. Catholic Leaders Set to Expel Pedophiles
    Updated 11:46 AM ET April 24, 2002

    By Philip Pullella and Crispian Balmer

    VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Roman Catholic Church officials meeting at the Vatican looked set to approve a ``one strike and you're out'' policy to expel future child molesters from the priesthood, a participant said Wednesday.

    ``Once the Holy Father says there is no place in the priestly ministry for someone who harms children then you have to work from there,'' said Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington.

    ``In view of what the pope said, and this is my reading of it ... it seems that anyone in the future who would do something like that to a child or a youngster, then that is it,'' he said.

    Asked if the cardinals were likely to adopt the ``one strike and you're out policy'' to expel pedophile priests after a first offense, McCarrick said: ``Oh, I think so.''

    Pope John Paul II told the Americans Tuesday he would no longer tolerate pedophile priests. The 12 U.S. bishops were due to issue a final statement later Wednesday after wrapping up the two days of talks.

    The words from McCarrick were the clearest indication since the meetings began that the cardinals wanted a clean break with past policy which, in some cases tolerated the presence of pedophile priests after psychological treatment.

    However, McCarrick said there was still debate about whether the hard-line policy should be retroactive.

    ``Say 30 years ago someone had some trouble and since then has never had any trouble and the people know and say he is a good man ... do I say 'You're out?' Well, I've got to pray about that and think about that and I've got to talk to the lay people,'' said McCarrick.


    McCarrick said the U.S. delegation had met the pope for lunch Wednesday where he had reiterated his message.

    ``He is anxious that we don't go in a way that is unjust to anyone and he is anxious that we are as supportive of the victims and their families and as supportive of the holiness of the church,'' McCarrick said.

    ``The Holy Father is such an extraordinary person with children and young people ... and they understand and love him. The fact that priests may have hurt them is so painful for him that he is determined.''

    The scandal that has enveloped the United States in recent months centers around Boston, where Cardinal Bernard Law has come under fire for transferring at least two pedophile priests from parish to parish in his diocese.

    There have been growing calls for Law to resign for the good of the church but no decision has been made yet.

    The pope Tuesday formulated his own zero tolerance policy on pedophile priests.

    ``People need to know that there is no place in the priesthood and religious life for those who would harm the young,'' the pope told the meeting.

    U.S. churchmen will formulate a national policy in June on the dismissal of priests who have abused children and the pope's comments were expected to have a vital influence on their decision.


    One of the most difficult policy decisions the bishops will face in June is how to give a priest a fair hearing if they are accused of abusing children.

    ``How do you handle it when someone comes up and says someone has done something wrong,'' one of the participants, Cardinal Edward Egan of New York, said Wednesday.

    ``Do you immediately walk away from that person? Can you (presume) that he is accused and therefore he is guilty? How do you approach it?'' he asked.

    ``Well, one bishop may say, 'I think he is a pretty fine fellow and I want to look into this before I make any decision.' Another might say, 'I want to send him away for psychological studies to see what experts say,''' said Egan, who is accused of having transferred pedophile priests when he was in an earlier post in Connecticut.

    But Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles said the pope was being ``as clear as he can be.''

    ``There is no place for abusers in the priesthood, whatsoever. You can convert hearts and offer reconciliation but you can't reassign them.''

    McCarrick made a five-point proposal Tuesday for a national policy on pedophilia that included reaching out to victims; removing a pedophile priest from office while an investigation goes on; informing civil authorities, sending the priest to a therapeutic center for evaluation and including lay people on diocesan review boards as well as clergy.

  • sf

    Thank you for pasting the entire art(icle).

    I just saw your post after I hit the submit button.

    I posted the other links of this "issue" on a new thread:

    < http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=578&e=1&cid=578&u=/nm/20020424/ts_nm/pope_pedophilia_dc_43

    (hyperlinks from above url):

    In-depth coverage about
    Catholic Church Abuse Scandal
    Related News Stories
    · Priesthood Has 'No Place' for Abusers, Pope Declares - Los Angeles Times (Apr 24, 2002)
    · Abuse by priests is 'a crime,' pope says - USA Today (Apr 24, 2002)
    · Pope Offers Apology to Victims of Sex Abuse by Priests - NY Times (registration req'd) (Apr 24, 2002)
    · Pope Condemns Sex Abuse, but Cites Redemption - Washington Post (Apr 24, 2002)
    · No place in church for child abusers: Pope - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Apr 24, 2002)
    Opinion & Editorials
    · Shifting the blame - Boston Globe (Apr 23, 2002)
    · Church took counsel from the wrong quarter - Irish Times (Apr 23, 2002)
    · Sex scandals rock trust in all religions' leaders - USA Today (Apr 23, 2002)
    · A Cancer Across Borders - Los Angeles Times (Apr 23, 2002)
    Feature Articles
    · Doubt Tempers Catholics' Hopes - NY Times (registration req'd) (Apr 23, 2002)
    · Stories of broken victims lie behind Catholic summit - Detroit Free Press (Apr 23, 2002)
    · A global scandal - BBC (Apr 23, 2002)
    Related Web Sites
    · Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday - first public comment from the Pope on the child sex abuse scandals within the Catholic priesthood. From the Holy See, March 21, 2002.
    · U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - official site that has a special section on the abuse scandal.
    · Catholic Church Abuse Cases - full text of various legal documents, including criminal complaints, related to priest pedophilia. From FindLaw.
    · Catholic Molestation Charges May Prompt New Laws - NPR (Apr 21, 2002)
    · Boston Catholics Start Petition Drive to Oust Cardinal Law - NPR (Apr 14, 2002)
    · Boston's Cardinal Law Says He Won't Step Down - NPR (Apr 12, 2002)
    · US Cardinals Meet With Pope - Reuters Video (Apr 23, 2002)
    · U.S. Cardinals Head to Vatican - AP Video (Apr 21, 2002)
    · Sex Scandal Brings U.S. Cardinals To Rome - Reuters Video (Apr 21, 2002)

    Plus the message board link would be/is a good place to post Watchtower pedophile crisis info:
    < http://rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/newsresources/mesg/* http://news.messages.yahoo.com/index.html

    sKally (who screwed up the edit)

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • Xenu

    Set to take action? The head of the Univerasl Roman Catholic Church has known about this for 20 years.

  • TheOldHippie

    Set to take action not because of concern for the creed, but because of fear their money will stop coming in and they would have had to sell off some of their gold and land and whatever it is that they have robbed from the world's poor for the last 16-17-18 centuries.


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