Has anyone read this series of books??

by lydia 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    I have recently started to read the series of books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jankins - Its the "Left Behind" series of books...based loosly on the time period after the rapture..

    Any one else ever read them?


  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Not I.

    "...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
    I'll be the one providing the fire.

  • RR

    I've read them ALL, and book ten is coming out in July, have my reordered. I don't believe in any of it, I just like the series, it's quite entertaining!

    Although I think the whole series could have been written in less time. Supposedly there are 12 volumes to teh series, but I find that they repeat too much.

  • Adonai438

    I have read them all
    They are entertaining for people that like fiction.
    They are also very accurate to Bible Chronology. The characters and character stories are fiction but the main events are true and will happen according to scripture. I like them.......though the series is pretty long.......I would rather read them all at once in a row instead of waiting for them to come out-- you end up waiting a year or more and kinda forget whats going on in them.

    They are good though

    Do you like them Lydia--what do ya think

  • Valis

    Way too preachy for me and the fiction was so so....kind of like that "christian" movie The Omega Code. If you go to the left behind website you'll see they are full on christaholics.....oh and don't forget to read some of the testimonials...hillarious!



    District Overbeer

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I've read them. Found them 'intriguing' I guess. Very literal interpretation of Revelation.

    One or both of then, can't remember which, has a book on Revelation/End Times that's not a novel. Found it interesting as well.

  • lydia

    I find the Books very interseting, especially as i have just finished teaching a Sunday School class on the book of revelation...I find that they have taken a bit of literary lisence in some places - but They are easy to read and enjoyable!

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    One of my kids read the first in the series in high school. One day we came home and found Rocky's clothes and shoes at the door to the utility room. His truck was home, but he wasn't in the house, in the barn, no note telling us where he had gone...so we had a big laugh and said he had been raptured and we were left behind! We found out later that he had gotten too dirty fixing some machinery and decided to leave his dirty clothes outside, took a shower and put on clean clothes, and then a friend picked him up to go somewhere. We still tease him about that when we find his clothes in front of the washing machine!

    Mrs R

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