These guys are shameless...

by zound 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • zound

    The annual meeting is going to be an absolute cash cow for the GB. Newly released Awake - "3 things money cannot buy"

    A double dig at 'storing up treasures for yourself' and higher education. Not happy with JW's living on the poverty line - the GB really really want to push them under it.

  • zound

    Oh - they also have a new FAQ question on the website - wait for it... "Are JW's a cult?"

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Their whole section of FAQ's is so frustrating. Just skirting around the questions, but a JW will ascertain that they've addressed the issues and they need not investigate further on their own.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    "My dad is always traveling even though we have everything we need, and my mom only thinks about money all the time."

    OH what effing criminals! trying to keep a steady income streaming in to cover expenses that NEVER END, there are bills to pay EVERY MONTH, if people don't get out and work for that filthy lucre what will happen? Maybe the house is paid for, but what about taxes and insurance? And maybe all the appliances are working okay, but what about replacing the roof that has been leaking? What about auto repairs, insurance, fuel? What about dental expenses, braces for these neglected brats, who think their parents should just shake a money tree when necessities get scarce? Or maybe the wonderful GB will send a note through their singular channel to tell Jehovah that if he doesn't make a miracle soon the Smiths and the Joneses are gonna have their house repossessed or the power cut off.

    We have seen these lazy dumbasses who believe this crappola about Jehovah taking care of their needs if they just don't work hard for pay, but just hang around getting told the same old line at the meeting - "Come to the meeting, don't go to work!" And then they run crying into the KH bellyaching to the elders about how they need money for the electric bill. BAH! and HUMBUG!

  • Pistoff

    After reading the article, one realizes that the best quotes are from secular sources.

    Why read the Awake at all?

    One doesn't need the 'faithful and discreet slave' to know that material things are not what make life worthwhile.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    My life seems more worthwhile the more I can afford material things. I like better quality guitar strings and cars that are from the same decade I'm in, and my ipod with the movie camera inside, and being able to give nice gifts like maple sugar candy and magazine subscriptions. I enjoy taking kids and grandkid out to eat and tipping well. I buy bags of birdseed, grass seed, paint for the porches, hire a handyman for minor repairs instead of just letting things stay broken. I love to buy and plant fig trees and bedding plants and plant food and bug spray, whenever I need to. Ordering a movie on TV and having all the sports channels we want. It's fun to order toner before the printer runs out, and vacuum bags and raw honey and good meats and good bread.

    Working hard is rewarding and living well is the reward!

  • trujw

    Lets make millions on real estate and build a hundred million dollar complex by a lake. Oh and by the way money doesn't buy happiness but we are glad to take yours by credit cards, cash, wills, life insurance, annuities, volunteer work, time etc etc. aren't you all so happy living in poverty.

  • ThisFellowCheap

    Funny enough, as a kid I always felt my dad travelled too often because of all those Bethel volunteer works he was doing, and my mum had to work so hard because she basically had to feed the family, and also provide the finance for the huge budget of the annual district convo drama(s) my dad had to direct at the end of year! Now,

    "What regrets might Brianne’s father experience later in life? By putting too much emphasis on material things, how is he affecting his relationship with his daughter? What does his family need from him more than money?" reads to me...

    "What regrets might my father experience later in life? By putting too much emphasis on spiritual things, how is he affecting his relationship with his son? What does his family need from him more than appreciation letters from Bethel?" Anyways, the answer to that last question is... MONEY!

    Yeah, money may not buy any of those three things they did mention, but absolutely cannot their "spirituality" either! Hypocrites!!

  • trujw

    I went to the FAQ portion of Funny how they answer questions in a few sentences that scholars need hundreds of pages. Yeah JWs you are the most udjemacaded peooples on eartes.

  • WTWizard

    When the Rothschilds stop stealing our money, when the Rockefellers quit doing things that generate "necessity expenditures" such as medical bills and monopolies on energy sources, when Monsanto quits trying to monopolize food, we might be able to do with much less. You need a steady pay toilet paper so you can buy those ongoing things. It's not as if we could grow our own food, live in our own homes without being hassled by the Rothschilds trying to tax us to death in it, treat our own diseases without Rockefeller interference, and make our own stuff to barter and trade.

    And stuff is not just for "show". Sometimes "stuff" can make what would have been a disaster become a minor nuisance. Last night, at work we had a blackout and I had "stuff". I had a Fenix HP20 headlight--we knew there was going to be a blackout because it was for maintenance. Others had wimpy lights or none at all, and they ended up wasting a good 45 minutes extra even though there was a generator, trying to work with limited light. Suppose the generator went dead--they do about 25% of the time. Those without "stuff" would have been up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe, while I would have been able to work just fine. Getting toy flashlights off the shelf would have wasted more than 2 hours of time while I would get my work done with a minimum of nuisance.

    Also, suppose you are in a big store, and abruptly the lights go out. The generator just happens to be dead. You are not that familiar with the store, and you are near the rear or in the middle. Would you rather have a nice flashlight such as the Fenix LD22 (which happens to be quite expensive) powered by Sanyo Eneloop batteries (also quite expensive), charged by a fancy (expensive) charger you buy once? Or, would you rather be dependent on security that might be more bent on imposing martial law or tied up elsewhere? Or in pitch dark? Or, accused of stealing the Energizer light that they happen to carry, because you happen to have one paired with a common Energizer battery that they happen to carry (and there always seem to be at least one pack of, with one battery missing)? A showy display of one's means of life suddenly becomes a means to reduce what could have been being detained, or seriously hurt, into a minor nuisance (you don't get to buy what you went in for).

    Besides these sometimes necessary things, fun is also a practical necessity. Granted, we might be able to survive without it. But, proper spiritual development requires a certain amount of fun. Children in particular depend on fun to learn. They learn that they have more fun when they work with nature, even while playing with toys, and they learn what those laws are. Take away their toys, you take away that opportunity to learn. And I find it more appealing to live with decorations that are appealing to me, rather than in a stark bare apartment.

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