You would think that by now the WTBTS would encourage higher education. That way they would get more money out of all their suckers. Oops that will never happen.
Higher Education
by KariOtt 4 Replies latest jw friends
diana netherton
Or they could start loaning the money for college...and collect it back with interest!!! That would be a smart move....
Diana...great idea however due to the high chance that witnesses will figure out what the WTBTS really is they will never allow higher education
Trust me, within weeks of higher education things start to fall apart in the Watchtower Story...
I am watching it happen with someone right now. For example they have just discovered referencing and plagirism and critical appraisal and already the WT questions have begun!
Also you meet people who want to better themselves and work hard contributing knowledge to society. You soon realise these people don't deserve to die.
Lastly you very soon realise how locked in a box you have been, you feel very ignorant of common held understanings such as basic things like...
What is science?
Who are scientists?
What is the scientific method?
How is data collated?
By now you are at the end of week two and you start realising..... "Oh shit....."
The WTS does not think ahead. They are reactive. There's a major drop-out rate for college grads, so college is discouraged. The WTS is reaping the benefits by getting themselves named on the wills of baby boomers, and encouraging Witness children to take up a trade; a technical college at most.