JW Folklore ?

by dobby 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobby

    Got this in an email today from someone - thought it might be of interest. We've all heard or read scores of these, so if this is not new sorry to make you read it again.

    Of course the fact it was related at a Circuit Assembly makes it the Stone Cold Truth :)!

    Subject: Re: FW: Jehovah hears prayers

    This will bring tears to your eyes....

    Jehovah hears prayers

    A young couple wanted to have a family very much, but the wife was unable
    to get pregnant, so they decided to adopt a baby. They went to several
    agencies and were told that it would take several years before they could
    get an infant, but if they wanted to adopt one from a foreign country, such

    as Korea or Vietnam, they could get a baby much sooner. They were told that

    if they would consider a child of about 7 or 8 years, they would get one
    almost immediately. So, they put their application in for an older foreign
    child. While all of this was taking place, the couple was contacted in the
    door-to-door ministry by Jehovah's Witnesses. They began studying,
    progressed very quickly, and were soon baptized. They became very active in

    field service, and decided to regular pioneer. Therefore, they would wait
    until the New System to have children. They went to the adoption agency
    and informed them of the circumstances, and told them of their desire to
    stop the proceedings. However, they were told that the agency had just
    been notified that a little boy from Vietnam was on his way for them. The
    agency pleaded with them not to cancel. With mixed feelings they went home
    to think it over. They took it in prayer to
    Jehovah and decided to go ahead with the adoption. They figured since he
    was older and would be in school most of the day, they would go ahead with
    their plans to pioneer, and just see how things work out. They prepared
    their home for the arrival of their new son, fixed up the bedroom, bought
    lots of toys, and placed a copy of "My Book of Bible Stories" on his
    At last, the day came to bring the little boy home. They showed him through

    the kitchen and living room. He seemed so sad
    and unresponsive. Then they showed him his bedroom. He hardly glanced at
    the room full of toys, but spotted the Bible Story
    Book immediately. He ran over, grabbed the book, held it to his chest, and
    began crying. When they were finally able to calm him down enough to talk,
    he explained that both his mother and father had been Jehovah's Witnesses
    before they were killed in Vietnam. He had been praying to Jehovah that he
    would be adopted by a family of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This experience was given at a Circuit Assembly in California. The District

    Overseer concluded by saying, "Never feel
    that Jehovah doesn't answer prayers, even those of a little child."

  • Gopher

    This sounds like it COULD have happened, although there's a little too much drama involved in the story telling (...he spotted the Bible story book "immediately", he "ran over and grabbed the book", all this mental imagery makes for an exciting re-telling...).

    If it's true, I wonder why the Vietnamese JW's (or relatives) didn't take him in? If his parents were active in their local congregation, why wasn't the child looked after? Isn't part of the true faith looking after orphans and widows, according to the Bible's Book of James?


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • sf

    Two words:

    Pure Bullshit! (pardon the initials PB, no offense friend)

    Ted, you really expect most individuals to buy this Krap?

    One more word to add:


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • Leander

    Has anyone heard this story? A couple of witness were out in the field ministry and they accidentally took a door that was a "do not call". The man who answered the door was violently opposed to witnesses. He told the publishers that if it was'nt for the 2 large men dressed in white standing next to them he would have killed them both. Naturally the 2 publishers looked around but they did'nt see anyone that fit the man's description.

    So supposedly this was an example of angelic protection. I probably did'nt tell the story exactly as it took place but you can kinda get the gist of the situation. I don't know whether to beleive that or dismiss it as fantasy.

  • ConnieLynn

    I have heard that with a little spin on it. I remember it being told when I was in service with a bunch of "sisters". There tale was that the guy was a serial rapist, and he didn't attack the women at the door because of the big guys in white. Whatever, the story changes depending on the car group I'm sure.

  • r51785

    The way I heard the story is that one of the surviving members of the Branch Davidians (or was it from Jonestown, Guyana?) was distraught over the death of David Koresh (or was it Jim Jones?) and he prayed that he could join another loving group which was god's only true organization, and just as he finished his "prayer" dubs showed up at his door.

  • detective

    I'm touched.

    The couple want a kid. Can't have one so the adoption agency says, "hey, take one of these older asian babies 'cause there ain't as much a market for them". So the couple agrees...la la la... happy they are going to have a family.

    And then... They meet the witnesses. They convert. Now they have to re-think the kid thing because the group takes up alot of time. They tell the adoption agency, "no thanks, we gonna wait until after apocalypse". The agency says, "but wait, we got one and he's already on the way for you".


    This is where the loving couple that knows there ain't much of a market for an older asian child has to go home and pray over whether or not take this kid in!
    But they've got cult recruiting to do and a kid is a real drain time, so they have to think it over now!

    So, when they were worldly- they just wanted a kid to love.
    Then they hooked up with a group that actually had them so allegedly christianized that they would turn their backs on a orphan kid who has far reduced chances of getting a home elsewhere since their ain't much of a market for him due to his age! Because it MIGHT reduce time attempting to convert people.

    But, because the child they originally wanted has now become a burden- Jah throws 'em a bonus- the kid likes cults!!!

    (drying my tears- nice story, really)

  • LizardSnot

    Satan told the little boy what to say ...Boooo Ha Ha Ha Ha!


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