No interest in the Mark Thomas Product???

by invisible 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Why not any interest in the Mark Thomas Product?

    You all jump up and down when stephen Bates from The Guardian Newspaper UK writes an article supporting your views, but absolutely no interest at all when given another first class quality link?



    FEAR =

    F alse
    E vidence
    A ppearing
    R eal

  • ignored_one

    Would he be interested?

    I've watched the show from the start and he appears more interested in companies and governments.

    Maybe the idea of tackling a 'religon' scares him? :)

    Have you emailed him?
    Posted a link to this site on the C4 message boards?

    Maybe he's waiting for someone to show some persistance before he acts.

    Ignored One.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I e mailed him about 2 weeks ago, giving him all the dirt and sites to visit for verification;hav'nt heard from him yet.
    I did start a thread on it too, but no one was interested!
    You're right ignored; he does love his gov. scandals...but has tackled others; usually if he's suitably shocked ; but I guess religion's a difficult subject;he's pretty P.C. and no one wants to be accused of that these days...I'll email him again.
    By the way Celtic, did you get my e mail?

  • gem

    I saw Mark Thomas in Swindon (U.K.) recently. Yes, he was funny (and a good story teller). But he hijacked a comedy evening to protest at the Yusyufeli dam project. When we left, people stood outside collecting money for the project.

    Most people go out for a good fun evening, not to be preached at. I consider myself sane enough to make up my own mind on issues like this. I wouldn't see him again!

    Mark Thomas denouncing the JWs - UN involvement, etc? I don't know. . . I think personal experiences of X-JWs is the biggest threat. People (and JWs and the org) would be a lot more more receptive to personal experiences, than someone making fun of, or campaigning against the org.

    To us, JW UN involvement is a big thing because the WT has denounced the UN, etc. To most members of the public, it's probably not such a big deal. I'm sure the WT isn't the only org with corruption in it, or members of the UN, etc. Many people see the JW as a wacky religion anyway!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I think you've hit the nail on the head there Gem;We all have to realize that no matter how much all this crap upsets US; most people could'nt care less ,unless they've had some kind of negative experience ;and most people in the world just tell them to get lost.Why did'nt I ?!!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Celtic; did you get my e mail?

  • invisible

    I'm not lauding Mark Thomas either way, he's just another tool that could be utilised upon, leveraged if you like.

    I've emailed him personally, still too, waiting on the reply.

    Lets remember one thing, the WT is not what it purports to be, it is blatantly not a religion but a corporation, same principles as many other companies. Why does one have to have precedence over another? All the issues remain the same at the end of the day, transforming the WT these days for me, is just a past-time to fill in a few spare hours, thats what you get when we get a life.

    To Termite, no not yet. Please mail me once again:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in the next week or so, enjoy your holiday here.


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