When discussing 'church' doctrines, many people cite 'Protestant' -v- 'Catholic' etc., forgetting the 'Orthodox' churches which split from RCC about 1,000 years ago in the 'Great schism'. The orthodox churches are as wacky and controlling in their way as any other (cf. the current power of the Russian Orthodox as an ally and supporter of Putin).
As an ex-resident of Cyprus I follow the goings-on there with a bemused and cynical view. The Cypriot Orthodox church is autonomous because the grave of Lazarus was discovered there (after his second death) and is nowadays rightly regarded by most rational thinkers as as good an example of a wholly corrupt organisation as one could wish to meet. The current archbishop, Chrysystomos II, was elected through a shenanigans as corrupt as any in the 'worldly' world. A fine example for christianity, and to my cynical mind a parallel for what the GB is doing to JWs (except that the GB can only dream of the power that the church exerts in CY, where its influence over political elections is clear).
The article referenced above (sorry I don't know how to make it 'clickable') is a good example of the ludicrous statements that the church comes out with. I suspect that their thinking is not a million miles away from that of the GB, and just goes to illustrate the danger of religious groups.