2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules Penile stimulation test 'invasive'

by Sol Reform 2 Replies latest social current

  • Sol Reform
    Sol Reform


    The appeals court said it seemed ‘‘odd’’ to try to deter someone from committing sex crimes by showing him depictions of sex.

    ‘‘We hold that this extraordinarily invasive condition is unjustified, is not reasonably related to the statutory goals of sentencing, and violates McLaurin’s right to substantive due process,’’ it said.

    The court found the testing ‘‘is unduly intrusive and bears insufficient relation to correctional or medical treatment, the protection of the public or deterrence of a crime.’’

    The judges flatly rejected government arguments that the procedure amounted to ‘‘treatment’’ for sex offenders, saying prosecutors offered no evidence ‘‘that this exceedingly intrusive procedure has any therapeutic benefit, and none is apparent to us.’’

    It cited a ruling similar to its own by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that found the test’s accuracy and reliability ‘‘have been severely questioned.’’

    The 2nd Circuit said even if the test were accurate, ‘‘the goal of correctional treatment during supervised release is properly directed at conduct, not at daydreaming.’’

    The procedure ‘‘inflicts the obviously substantial humiliation of having the size and rigidity of one’s penis measured and monitored by the government under the threat of incarceration for a failure to fully cooperate,’’ the 2nd Circuit judges wrote.


    NY- Sex offender wins ruling on controversial test

    For immediate release: Thursday, Oct. 3 Statement by David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 566 9790, [email protected]) A convicted sex offender who lived in Vermont and Alabama has won a court ruling in New York that means he won't have to submit to a test to determine whether he's attracted to underage girls.


    Everyone, even pedophiles, deserves his humanity. But the humanity of a predator doesn't trump the humanity of innocent kids.

    Those who oppose this test should propose alternative ways to protect kids from predators.

    One in four girls and one in eight boys will be sexually assaulted. Given these horrific numbers, and the devastating life-long effects of childhood sexual abuse, something must change.

    We as a society must re-examine some of our archaic notions if we are to do more to safeguard the vulnerable.

    This test may seem invasive to adults. But raping and sodomizing children is indeed far more invasive, and far more hurtful.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have no time to read the links. The decision makes sense to me. The criminal law outlaws certain acts. Intention may play a role but the act is important. There is no law against being a pedophile. As far as I am aware, every state and the federal government makes it a felony to commit a pedophile act. This failure to punish thoughts has very deep roots in English common law.

    If anyone watched the SHO series, The Tudors, bills of attainder are frequenty mentioned as one high officail after another is beheaded or burned to death. The American Founding Fathers were protestors against British rule. Many thought that these laws, which become law after the criminal act so the defendant had no notice that his actions were against a law, should be stopped. The Const'n mentions these types of British laws expressly.

    Pedophile behavior presents challenges to society. Once we punish pedophiles, the slippery slope starts. Individual rights will not be respected by a majority. Due process is as important as the substantive law. Some situations have no easy solutions. Measuring penile stimulation has nothing to do with acts of pedophilia. With the recent revelatons concerning the NSA, American can foresee a time when we are hooked up a machine and monitored for thoughts about which party we favor.

    I do believe society must sanction pedophile behavior, the actual acts. Of course the problem with pedphiles appears to be low impulse control and strong sex drive. Soceity cannot force pedophiles to take sex drive altering drugs before an overt act. Psychiatry and psychology are not well advanced to determine who will act upon impulses. Every measure should be taken to prevent these acts but when our general civil liberties are threatened, it is time to step back and analyze what is happening.

    It is similar to the threat posed by terrorism. The Taliban and Al Qadeda can never invade this country. Our overreaction to the theat by curtailing our most important civil liberties and rights can make us more like them. This is the danger of terrorism. As a postscript, I must add that it always strikes me as remarkable that pedophiles are so well-organized. They have the right but it is curious.

  • LisaRose

    As much as I hate pedophiles, I don't think this is the way to prevent assaults on children. What would you do if you determine that someone is sexually attracted to children, lock them up for the rest of their life for their thoughts? we don't have enough prisons to do that. If someone has been convicted of a pedophile act, you can make an assumption that they are, in fact, attracted to children, so then what is the point of the test? Studies have shown that attraction to children is pretty much hard wired into the brain, but here is no test to determine when or if the pedophile is going to act on those thoughts, and no proof this test will cure that behavior and prevent crime.

    If the government has money to spend on this problem, I would rather it be spent on offering voluntary, confidential psychological help to pedophiles before they commit a crime, education campaigns to the general public on how to prevent children from being victimized, help to victims of such crimes, and tougher sentencing for those who do commit such crimes.

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