seeking JW stay at home mom's in westchester count

by mdg 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • mdg

    Hi, I am a JW stay at mom with a 3 year old son living in Westchester, New York. I think she would like to meet other JW stay at moms with preschoolers. Please contact me if interested

  • LDH

    Hey MDG...

    Welcome. Did you catch Oprah's show with Dr. Phil this week about the labels we put on ourselves?

    Do you find the "JW stay at home mom" to be a label that puts you under pressure? It's a little confining, no?

    I'm currently at home because I have an infant (5 mos) and with no relatives out here, day care isn't an option for me. My personal opinion: I didn't have children so I could pay someone else to raise them.


  • mdg

    Hi Lisa, I know a lot of moms who don't work but they're not Witnesses. I would really like to get in touch with someone with a child my son's age so we can have play dates. Thanks for responding. We need to set up JW new mommy's club. What do you think?

  • Imbue

    hey mdg, where in westchester? I'm in NY? email me!

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • LDH

    mdg I'm in CA now (grew up in NY).

    Try Gymboree--they have great classes like Mommy and Me. Plus that will give you the benefit of meeting new people.


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