I'm at the convention now (by parental force) and I just heard in the Saturday talk "Truth Brings Not Peace, But A Sword" about how it's a terrible "torture stake" that witnesses are disinherited by their worldly families when they choose to join the Jehovah's Witness religion and how awful and painful that is for a person to endure. Switch the situation around and you'll find it is exactly what happens to those who choose to leave the organization, but only then is it okay because "disfellowshipped people need to be disciplined"? This is absolutely ridiculous. In fact, this convention and the content of it is beyond ridiculous.
"Truth Brings Not Peace, But A Sword" talk Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 convention
by doughnutkitty 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Witness My Fury
Feels great to be awake don't it?
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@WitnessMyFury Yes, yes it does indeed. It's feels great to see through all the crap that others are taking so much to heart. I feel so sorry for all of the people here, all the clueless people. I really do hope there are others like me here today. But oh my goodness, some of the things I have heard today are just ridiculous. I've had quite a few moments where I've found myself utterly horrified by what is being said. I'm so glad and thankful that I was lucky enough to be awakened before I got myself in too deep with this organization of lies and deceit.
Saturday's talks made me feel sick, distressed, angry and depressed. I also looked around and wondered how many like me were enduring it. Didn't help much to see 'apostates' (I would call them awakened ones) outside. I would loved to have stopped and talked but couldn't. I didn't go Sunday!
Faithful Witness
What country are you in? Is this the annual meeting, or a repeat of a convention that we already heard about?
@FaithfulWitness I live in Australia. The area that I live in just had the 2013 district convention which ended today.
The point of the original scripture was that Jesus himself was the bone of contention, not some man made religion pretending to follow him, and yet hardly ever giving him a mention.
Ones family has every right to be concerned if you decide to join a cult, I doubt any of them would be too worried if you simply followed Jesus.
When do you get the "privilege" of the AGM then DNK ?
I'm at the convention now
Where in the world are ya?
What bad luck to have DistConv & AGM same week!