Would you, in good conscience, accept part of a car tht you know to be stolen. Someone comes up to you and ofers you a cheap tyre but you know they took it of a car they stole. for example?
You probably would not. You know stealing is wrong. It does not get any less wrong if you are just having part of the thing that was stolen. You cannot really reason that it is not the whole car anymore.
Well, according to the WTS, accepting blood is wrong. When blood is removed from the body it is to be "poured out" or destroyed.
Yet most Witnesses would accept a fraction. Most witnesses would reason that the fraction is not the whole blood. They would reason it is not the thing that was prohibated any more.
The reality is however that th blood, according to WT doctrine, belongs to Jehovah. It is his. If you do not pour it out then you are stealing it. It is not yours. Witnesses recognise this as they will not donate blood.
Yet they will accept the stolen tyre. They will accept something that only is there because the blood was stolen.
What is worse they try and claim that once it is broken down it is no longer stealing.