Kingdom hall constructions in developing countries

by StephaneLaliberte 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Just about everyone heard about some brother, sister or couple go in the south somewhere to help build a kingdom hall. What I am wondering is:

    Since North Americans clearly make more money, wouldn’t it make more sense for a brother to work in his home town and give away money to pay some trades man in the south to do the work? Comparing the respective salary, wouldn’t it be something close to: 3 months for the North-American = 1 year for the South-American?

    Please note, I am not saying this is the case, but it’s an educated guess... so if I’m wrong, please correct me.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ecan6, You are probably right that it is a better logical and financial decision for the WTBTS to ask for donations from North Americans to help build KH's in South America, but the WTBTS is a DANGEROUS CULT. Dangerous Cults are more interested in keeping their members too busy to think, so it makes more sense to the WTBTS to send JWs where the "Need is Greater" than to ask for donations to help support JWs building KH's in South America.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • designs

    What and miss the thrill of a foreign assignment! Traveling gets people excited. Some of the local Churches send their High School age young people to Mexico so they can preach the 'true Gospel' to Catholics

    How to waste time X 1500 Christian Denominations.

  • JakeM2012

    Ecan6, I agree. I spent nearly five years building branches overseas, one in Africa. Several times we spent our day off working on a concrete block with a tin roof Kingdom Hall for the local brothers. Eventually, some Bethelite brothers were recruited to live in small travel trailers and move around building KH's of concrete block and metal roofs, no bathrooms, and many times a dirt floor.

    I couldn't see this from a monetary standpoint either. Even when building the branch, (for a most arrogant Branch Committee that were abusive to the volunteers, I eventually left) I couldn't see bringing all these people from 1st world countries. The airfare alone paid by the volunteers could have paid for hiring a worldwide contractor.

    But I also went around with the other elders about hiring a lawn maintenance company to mow the lawn. I feel that a local congregation should be able to contract the lawn maintenance out to the lawn mower people that like that work. Many publishers are elderly, have heart problems, easily get heat exhaustion, and have alergy problems just to name a few safety reasons for paying a lawn maintenance crew.

    But the WTBTS is insistent on using volunteer labor, even though the "opportunity costs" for the volunteers are greater than the end value of their product. Go figure.

  • JakeM2012
  • StephaneLaliberte

    Going in another country to preach makes more sense than going to build something. Those who go out on construction projects spend most of their time working on the project, not much in discussing the bible as missionaries would.

    Another though that crossed my mind is the fact that everyone knows that they went out to do this sacrifice. If they simply provided a monetary donation that would have the exact same effect, no one would know. You won’t ever have someone taken as an example in a convention where a brother would explain how he gave away 30% of his salary. On the other hand, you have plenty of people going at the front boasting about all the blessings from going on construction sites in some poor country.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    JakeM2012: The airfare alone paid by the volunteers could have paid for hiring a worldwide contractor.

    Totaly right!

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