Taking in knowledge question-new light, new study?

by carla 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    I am just wondering, say a jw just had a study this past week and the non jw (study) questioned the jw teaching of 'taking in knowledge' and naturally the jw gave the jw view of it in length (last weeks 'light'). Now, they have their handy dandy new nwt that changes that entirely. Let's say the study came from a traditional Christian backround that always had it as 'knowing' (as in a personal relationship) and struggled with the jw view but decided, ok, whatever, I'll go along for now... So next week is another study, how does the jw handle that? I know you will say 'new light' but really, has anybody in your personal experience gone for that? (topic could be impaled or not as well)

    How do they handle new light in one weeks time with a new study?

  • oppostate

    The JW R&F usual response would be to way "Isn't it wonderful that the organization is always willing to update its understanding?"

    I don't think it would present a problem for any true mind loyal JWs. However, I do think that for some it may be a turning point to start opening their eyes to the lies and mind control of the WT organization.

  • prologos

    happened to me, not as a study, but as the one conducting the home "bible" study in "Let god be true" book,

    1) 60s,Superior Auyhorities, the man objected to wt interpretations, within the hour, coming home, wt subscription had arrived, yeah, he, babylon the great was right. he stopped the "bible"study, and in my sub-conscious, confidence in WT.Bible inerrant teaching claims were gone.

    2) super jw hammering a close relative to be baptized, baptismal question to be correct FADS=remnant of anointed as a CLASS.

    Surprise: News after baptism weekend. Not so, FADS=GB only; no more FADS, even Evil Slave CLASS.

    reaction: exciting new light!!, silence.

    It depends.

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