So i think theres quite a bit to take from the AGM. There are many things of interest and no doubt removing mark 16:9-20 and john 5:58-8:11 is going to get serious criticism. But i noticed in John 1:3 That Jesus now created all things. No more brackets. hmm im slowly starting to wonder what "new light" will surface from this revised version, specifically in 2014 when the WT starts to quote from it. im going to do some "personal study" haha of the scriptures about the spirit, and go through all the doctrines and hopefully find some more stuff. Well thats what i got out of this weeks annual meeting information, what did you friends get out of it? Haha
Sometiing interesting from John 1 in rev. NWT
by DS211 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is no John 5:58 in my old NWT, it stops at vs 47 I think.
He meant john 7:58
ah crap yea sorry i meant 7 hahaha good correction!