If this is already being discussed I did not see it and just direct me to the proper thread. In the revised edition they have changed arriving to coming since they changed the doctrine. Anyone notice this?
Matthew 24:46
by SloppyJoe 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
In the older version, they do have a footnote that says:
Lit., “having come.” Gr., el·thon′ . -
Doug Mason
Russell taught that the Parousia (in 1874) preceded the End in 1914 (with the breakout of unprecedented peace under the Zionists).
About 1930, Rutherford shifted the Parousia to 1914 but still foresaw a forthcoming divine intervention.
Since Rutherford's time, the WTS has continued a two-stage "parousia followed by a future coming Armagedon".
Russell picked up the two-stage idea from the Rapturists (Darby, Schofield, etc) which was being popularised at the time. They focused on the "70 weeks" at Daniel 9. Russell was also convinced by Barbour that the Parousia had already occurred in 1874.
I recall seeing this differentiation between parousia/presence and erchatai/coming in the 1960s. From my ancient memory, I have the idea it might have been in the "Babylon" book.