jesus (apparently) in Old NWT rode into Jerusalem on an anal sphincter

by hamsterbait 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    The (AMERICAN) witless justified replacing the correct translation of ASS with donkey, claiming we would never describe a happy Brother as "gay"

    An ASS is a different animal from a DONKEY, making the NWT an inaccurate translation here.

    Are Jdubs sooo filthy minded they think below the waist even in the context of Christ riding into Jerusalem?

    How do they translate Numbers 31: 34: " 61 thousand asses" remember it is not 61 000 anuses.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yess. . . . . . Was thinking this myself as I sat there yesterday. I do recall that a donkey and an ass are two different creatures entirely. . But not sure from where. . . .

  • Athanasius

    Ass is the correct term for the animal commonly known as the donkey or burro. The Latin term for the animal is Asinus and the scientific term for these animals is Equus asinus. The term Ass fell into disrepute through confusion with the indelicate term “Arse” meaning the human backside.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Ass is a more general term for a variety of species. Donkey is Equus africanus asinus. A female donkey (which I believe is what our Mexican friend drove) is a Jenny or Jennet so they should've used that term if they wanted to be THAT specific. I don't know if the original text allows for such interpretation though, I don't think the biblical texts described any taxonomy (even though, since Jay-Hoover wrote them you would think he would've used his all-intelligent wisdom and foreseen a smarter species of homo sapiens in the future that would've figured out things like taxonomy and astronomy).

    Most likely it was indeed a donkey (if it was domesticated) but if not described, it could've also been another variant (this is Africa after all) some of which the Romans hunted for sports and drove to extinction.

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