Sometimes the WTBTS are just brilliant in coming up with new ways of wasting the JWs time.
With this new edition they will have to be getting their head's around new terms and phrases. Many JWs will know a lot of verses off by heart, now they will be required to relearn them which will be no simple task.
They have been told to keep their Old NWT for research purposes. Now instead of looking up one scripture they will have two bible's to look up.
The writing committee now has so much new material available to them to write copious articles about. They will be able to write on and on aboout nothing of any importance but seemingly is important because it is about bible scriptures. That's nothing new but all the changes in the NWT allows them to go into detail as to why they thought this change and that change was necessary
It may even distract many apostates from noticing other wrongs within the organization as they too focus on the revisions.